The primary and secondary bibliographies on Kenneth Burke are the culmination of the work of many people. David Blakesley collected the original bibliography, gaining permission from several sources. Permission to draw from the secondary bibliography constructed by William H. Rueckert and published in Critical Responses to Kenneth Burke, 1924-1966 (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1969) was graciously provided by Professor Rueckert, the editor of this important volume. Permission to draw from Richard H. Thames's "A Selected Bibliography of Critical Responses to Kenneth Burke, 1968–1986" was generously granted by the University of Wisconsin Press, publisher of the volume in which it appeared, The Legacy of Kenneth Burke, edited by Herbert W. Simons and Trevor Melia (Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1989). New and updated entries have been added here most recently in 2019 by Kristin Santa Maria and David Blakesley. Clarke Rountree made major updates to the bibliography previously. Other contributors have provided research assistance, including Chris Stuart, Katherine Elrick, Kate Hanzalik, Kristen Gay, Mari Ramler, Dina Basuki, Christopher Milazzo, Jerald L. Ross, Kate Howard, and Marcie Abney.
The entries in this bibliography have been written to conform, in most cases, with the documentation style of the Modern Language Association. To make the researcher's task easier, additional information has been added when it might prove useful. [Bracketed] information points the reader to other works in which the particular work has been reprinted. Entries in this secondary bibliography have been arranged alphabetically by the author's last name.
Both the primary and secondary bibliographies are regularly updated. If you have information on additional publications suitable for this list, please submit the information via this form at the KB Journal site: —Last Updated: 12/11/2019, DB
"American Scholar Forum: The New Criticism" (a discussion of the New Criticism by William Barrett. Kenneth Burke, Malcolm Cowley, Robert Gorham Davis. and Hiram Haydn). The American Scholar 20 (Winter and Spring 1950-51): 86-104, 218-231.
"Announcement." The Dial 86 (1929): 90.
Aaron, Daniel. "The Vagaries of Kenneth Burke." Writers on the Left: Episodes in American Literary Communism. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1961. 287-290.
Aaron, Daniel. "The Letter and the Spirit." Review of The Selected Correspondence of Kenneth Burke and Malcolm Cowley, 1915-1981 by Paul Jay, ed.) New Republic, 200 (March 13, 1989): 34-37.
Abbott, Don Paul. "Kenneth Burke's 'secular Conversion.'" Horns of Plenty: Malcolm Cowley and His Generation 2 (Winter 1989): 39-52.
Abbott, Don Paul. "Terminology and Ideology: Marxist Influences on the Rhetorical Theory of Kenneth Burke." DAI 34.09A (1973): 145.
Abdulla, Adnan Khalid. "Catharsis: An Analytical Study of Its Meanings and Uses in Modern Literary Criticism (Classicism, Psychoanalysis)." DAI 44.12A (1983): 309.
Abdulla, Adnan K. Catharsis in Literature. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1985.
Abel, Samuel David. "Susanne Langer and the Rhythm of Dramatic Action." DAI 45.05A (1984): 324.
Accardi, Bernard F. "The Epistemological Rhetoric of Autobiography (Augustine, Saint, Bunyan, John, Oliphant, Margaret, Adams, Henry)." DAI 56.04A (1994): 296.
Adams, Robert M. "The Dance of Language" Review of Kenneth Burke and the Drama of Human Relations, 2d ed. by William H. Rueckert). Times Literary Supplement July 8, 1983, 715-16. Burke responds in "Dramatism and Logology." Times Literary Supplement (August 12, 1983): 859.);
Adams, Robert Martin. "Restorations." Review of Towards a Better Life by Kenneth Burke. The New York Review of Books 7 (20 October 1966): 31-33.
Adams. Robert M., Strains of Discord: Studies in Literary Openness, Ithaca. N.Y.: Cornell UP. 1958. 7-8, 210.
Adams, Sarah Elizabeth. "Agitation With—and of—Burke's Comic Theory." Philosophy & Rhetoric 50.3 (2017): 315-35. Web.
Adams, Whitney Jordan. "A Response to Greig Henderson's "Dialogism Versus Monologism: Burke, Bakhtin, and the Languages of Social Change." KB Journal 13.1 (Fall 2017).
Adegunwa, Adekemi Eniitan. "Chief Obafemi Awolowo, the Greatest President Nigeria Never Had: A Burkeian Analysis Of "This War Is Not for the Extermination of the Ibos. It Is for the Federal Unity of Nigeria and the Happiness of Its People" (Awolowo Obafemi)." DAI 54.11A (1993): 160.
Adell, Sandra. "The Big E(Ilison)'s Texts and Intertexts: Eliot, Burke, and The Underground Man." College Language Association Journal 37.4 (June 1994): 377-401.
Aden, Roger C. Childhood Memory Spaces. Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers, 2018.
Albrecht, James M. "Saying Yes and Saying No: Individualist Ethics in Ellison, Burke, and Emerson." Publication of the Modern Language Association 114.1 (January 1999): 46-63.
Alcorn Marshall W., Jr. "Self Structure as a Rhetorical Device: Modem Ethos and the Divisiveness of the Self." In Ethos: New Essays in Rhetorical and Critical Theory. Eds. James S. Baumlin and Tita French Baumlin. Dallas: Southern Methodist UP, 1994. 3-35.
Alcorn Marshall. Review of Kenneth Burke: Literature and Language as Symbolic Action by Greig Henderson. Style 24 (Spring 1990): 132.
Allen, Ira J. "Modern Rhetorical Theory, Acting Symbolically." The Ethical Fantasy of Rhetorical Theory. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018.
Allen, Virginia. "Some Implications of Kenneth Burke's 'Way of Knowing' for Composition Theory." JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory 3.1-2 (1982): 10-23.
Allison, Kimberly Jo. "Rhetoric and Hypermedia in Electronic Textbooks." DAI 64.08A (2003): 388.
Allister, Mark. "A Marriage of Pedagogy and Theory: Sequencing and the Pentad. " The Writing Instructor 2.3 (1983): 129-36.
Allred, Jeffrey B. "American Modernism and Depression Documentary." DAI 66.06A (2005): 234.
Alpers, Paul J. What Is Pastoral? Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1996.
Althouse, Matthew T., and Floyd D. Anderson. "Benedict XVI's 'Troubled' Call for Religious Dialogue: The Regensburg Lecture." Atlantic Journal of Communication, vol. 27, no. 5, 2019, pp. 311-323.
Althouse, Matthew T., and Floyd D. Anderson. "Trouble with a Capital T": Jerome S. Bruner's Reenvisioning of Kenneth Burke's Dramatistic Pentad. KB Journal 11.2 (Spring 2016).
Altman, Ross Dean. Kenneth Burke's Relation to Modern Thought and Literature. Dissertation Abstracts International, Ann Arbor, MI 1978, 38, 5454A.
Anders, Abram. “Pragmatisms by Incongruity: ‘Equipment for Living’ from Kenneth Burke to Gilles Deleuze.” KB Journal 7.2 (Spring 2011).
Anderson, Dana Larson. "Arguing Identity: Strategizing the Self in Narratives of Conversion (Kenneth Burke, Dorothy Day, Deirdre Mccloskey, John G. Neihardt)." DAI 63.09A (2002): 267.
Anderson, Dana and Jessica Enoch. Burke in the Archives: Using the Past to Transform the Future of Burkean Studies. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 2013.
Anderson, Dana. Identity’s Strategy: Rhetorical Selves in Conversion. Columbia: University of South Carolina, 2007.
Anderson, Dana. “Questioning the Motives of Habituated Action: Burke and Bourdieu on Practice.” Philosophy and Rhetoric 37.3 (March 2005): 255–74.
Anderson, Floyd D., and Lawrence J. Prelli. "Kenneth Burke's Agonistic Theory of Knowledge." Western Journal of Communication, vol. 82, no. 2, 2018, pp. 181-193.
Anderson, Floyd D. and Matthew T. Althouse. “Five Fingers or Six? Pentad or Hexad?” KB Journal 6.2 (Spring 2010).
Anderson, Virginia. "Antithetical Ethics: Kenneth Burke and the Constitution." JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory 15.2 (1995): 261-79.
Anderson, Virginia Susan. "Unpersuasive Truths: Critical Theory, Pedagogy, and Democratic Education." DAI 59.01A (1997): 392.
Andrade, Simone de Vore Rieck. "Visual Legacy: A Burkean Analysis of Spanish Civil War Imagery." Order No. 10599367 Texas Woman's University, 2017. Ann Arbor: ProQuest. Web.
Angel, Adriana and Benjamin Bates. “Terministic Screens of Corruption: A Cluster Analysis of Colombian Radio Conversations.” KB Journal 10.1 (Summer 2014).
Anonymous. "Psychological Drama." Review of The White Oxen. The New York Times Book Review (26 October 1924): 23.
Anonymous. "Literary Criticism: The Minds behind the Written Word." The Times Literary Supplement (17 December 1954): viii, x.
Anonymous. "The American Jitters." Review of Language as Symbolic Action, The Philosophy of Literary Form, Towards a Better Life, and Malcolm Cowley's Think Back on Us. The Times Literary Supplement (8 June 1967): 508.
Anonymous. "Farewell to Kenneth Burke." New Republic 209 (December 13, 1993): 10.
Anonymous. Review of The Selected Correspondence of Kenneth Burke and Malcolm Cowley, 1915-1981 by Paul Jay, ed. New Yorker 65 (March 27, 1989): 116.
Anonymous. Review of The Selected Correspondence of Kenneth Burke and Malcolm Cowley, 1915-1981 by Paul Jay, ed. Virginia Quarterly Review 65 (Spring 1989): 55ff.
Anonymous. Review of The Selected Correspondence of Kenneth Burke and Malcolm Cowley, 1915-1981 by Paul Jay, ed. Wilson Quarterly 13 (Spring 1989): 108ff.
Antunes, Débora. Branding Cyber-Activism: Burke's Identification and The Visual Identity of Anonymous. KB Journal 11.2 (Spring 2016).
Appel, Edward C. "Biological Adumbrations of Drama: Deacon, Burke, Action/Motion, and the Bridge to the 'Symbolic Species.'” KB Journal, vol. 14, no. 1, 2019.
Appel, Edward C. "Deacon, Burke, and Evolution of the "Symbolic Species": Six Points of Connection from Biological Anthropology." KB Journal 13.1 (Fall 2017).
Appel, Edward C. "Burlesque Drama as a Rhetorical Genre: The Hudibrastic Ridicule of William F. Buckley, Jr." Western Journal of Communication 60 (1996): 269-84.
Appel, Edward C. "Burlesque, Tragedy, and a (Potentially) “Yuuuge” “Breaking of a Frame”: Donald Trump’s Rhetoric as “Early Warning”?" Communication Quarterly, vol. 66, no. 2, 2018, pp. 157-175
Appel, Edward C. "A Dramatistic Study of the Preaching of the Rev. Dr. Wallace E. Fisher (Pennsylvania)." DAI 45.01A (1984): 270.
Appel, Edward C. "Kenneth Burke: Coy Theologian." Journal of Communication and Religion 16 (1993): 99-110.
Appel, Edward C. "Implications and Importance of the Negative in Burke's Dramatistic Philosophy of Language." Communication Quarterly 41 (Winter 1993): 51-65.
Appel, Edward C. "The Perfected Drama of Reverend Jerry Falwell." Communication Quarterly 35 (Winter 1987): 26-38.
Appel, Edward C. "The Rhetoric of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: Comedy and Context in Tragic Collision." Western Journal of Communication 61 (1997): 376-402.
Appel, Edward C. "The Tragic-Symbol Preaching of the Rev. Dr. Wallace E. Fisher." Journal of Communication and Religion 10 (1987): 34-43.
Arac, Jonathan. "Criticism Between Opposition and Counterpoint." Boundary 2-An International Journal of Literature and Culture 25.2 (1998): 55-69.Archer, S. Review of Contingency Blues: The Search for Foundations in American Criticism by Paul Jay. Choice 35 (October 1997): 298.
Arac, Jonathan. Review of The Rites of Identity: The Religious Naturalism and Cultural Criticism of Kenneth Burke and Ralph Ellison by Beth Eddy. American Literature 81.3 (Sep. 2009): 639-41.
Archias, Susan Dana. "Kenneth Burke's Approach to Language and Theory Construction." MAI 26.04 (1988): 101.
Arrington, Phillip K. "Soliloquies Divine: God's Self-Addressed Rhetoric in the Old Testament." RHETORICA-A JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF RHETORIC 34.3 (2016): 223-42. Web.
Arrington, Phillip K. Tropes, Invention, and the Composing Process. Dissertation Abstracts International, Ann Arbor, MI 1984 Dec., 45:6, 1740A.
Arrington, Phillip K., and Shirley K Rose. "Prologue to What is Possible: Introductions as Metadiscourse." College Composition and Communication 38 (October 1987): 306-18.
Arrington, Phillip. "A Dramatistic Approach to Understanding and Teaching the Paraphrase." College Composition and Communication 39 (May 1988): 185-97.
Atkins, Judi. Conflict, Co-Operation and the Rhetoric of Coalition Government. Palgrave, DE, 2018, doi:10.1057/978-1-137-31796-4.
Atkins, Judi. “Constructing Conflict and Cooperation: The Rhetoric of Coalition Bargaining.” Party Politics, vol. 25, no. 3, May 2019, pp. 315–324, doi:10.117/1354068817713998.
Auden W. H. "A Grammar of Assent" Review of The Philosophy of Literary Form. The New Republic 105 (14 July 1941): 59.
Aune, James. "Burke's Late Blooming: Trope, Defense, and Rhetoric." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 69.3 (August 1983): 328-53.
Bacon, Jacqueline Lee. ""The Humblest May Stand Forth": Marginalized Voices in Abolitionist Rhetoric (Women Abolitionists, African-American)." DAI 58.07A (1997): 375.
Baer, Donald M. "A Comment on Skinner as Boy and on Burke as S-." Behaviorism 4 (Fall 1976): 273-77.
Bailie, Brian. “Smart Mobs and Kenneth Burke.” KB Journal 6.2 (Spring 2010).
Bak, Hans. "Contest in Vilification: The Literary Friendship of Kenneth Burke and Malcom Cowley." Review of The Selected Correspondence of Kenneth Burke and Malcolm Cowley, 1915-1981 by Paul Jay, ed. Southern Review 26 (Winter 1990): 226-35.
Baker, Lewis. "Kenneth Burke and Oswald Spengler." Horns of Plenty: Malcolm Cowley and His Generation 2.1 (Spring 1989): 9-18.
Baker, Lewis. "Some Manuscript Collections Containing Kenneth Burke Materials." Pre/Text: A Journal of Rhetorical Theory 6.3-4 (Fall/Winter 1985): 307-11.
Bakke, Peter C., and Jim A. Kuypers. The Syrian Civil War, International Outreach, and a Clash of Worldviews. KB Journal 11.2 (Spring 2016).
Ball, Moya. "A Response to Andrew King's 'Disciplining the Master: Finding the Via Media for Kenneth Burke.'" American Communication Journal 4.2 (Winter 2001).
Battista, Andrew. Review of Kenneth Burke on Shakespeare by Kenneth Burke. Ed. Scott Newstok. KB Journal 4.1 (Fall 2007). Web.
Baranowski, Brad. "The Unending Conversation: Kenneth Burke and Richard Mckeon's Aesthetic Pragmatism, 1920-1960." Modern Intellectual History, vol. 15, no. 1, 2018, pp. 153-184.
Barat, Jean Claude. "Kenneth Burke et les 'New Critics' ou: Kenneth, Edmond, William et les autres." Recherches anglaises et américaines 12 (1979): 45-64.
Barrett, Elizabeth. "Comedy, Courtesy, and A Passage to India." English Studies in Canada 10.1 (March 1984): 77-93.
Barrile, Leo George. "Television and Attitudes About Crime." DAI 41.03A (1980): 497.
Basuki, Dina Septiani Suharjoso. "Using Social Media to Foster Identification in Indonesia's 2014 Presidential Election: An Examination of Facebook Politics from Kenneth Burke's Dramatistic Perspective." Order No. 10269848 Clemson University, 2017. Ann Arbor: ProQuest. Web.
Bates, Benjamin R. “Mapping International Health onto Domestic Health: A Pentadic Cartography of Kathleen Sibelius’s Global Health Strategy.” Communication Studies 67.3 (2016): 321-38. Web.
Bates, Ernest Sutherland. "A Spendthrift with Ideas." Review of Permanence and Change. The New York Herald Tribune Books (12 May 1935): 8.
Bator, Paul B. "The 'Good Reasons Movement': A 'Confounding' of Dialectic and Rhetoric?" Philosophy and Rhetoric 21.1 (1988): 38-47. Bator is responding to Timothy Crusius', "A Case for Kenneth Burke's Dialectic and Rhetoric." See Crusius' "Response to Paul G. Bator" also.
Baumer, Fred A. "Toward the Development of Homiletic as Rhetorical Genre: A Critical Study of Roman Catholic Preaching in the United States since Vatican Council Ii (Hermeneutics, Heidegger, Dramatism, Kenneth Burke, Turner)." DAI 46.08A (1985): 277.
Baumlin, James S., and Peter L. Scisco. "Ethos and its Constitutive Role in Organizational Rhetoric." The Handbook of Organizational Rhetoric and Communication. John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Hoboken, NJ, USA, 2018, pp. 201-213.
Beach, J.M. Kenneth Burke: A Sociology of Knowledge: Dramatism, Ideology, and Rhetoric. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2012.
Beard, David. “’I Shall, with the Greatest of Ease and Friendliness, Scour You from the Earth’: Yvor Winters on Kenneth Burke.” Review of In Defense of Reason by Yvor Winters. KB Journal 3.2 (Spring 2007). Web.
Beard, James E. "Rhetorical Mapping of Technological Psychosis: A Burkean Reading of William Gibson's "Neuromancer" (Kenneth Burke)." DAI 60.12A (1999): 179.
Beasley, Kimberly Eckel and James P. Beasley. “Dramatism, Musical Theatre Interpretation, and Popular Artistic Production” KB Journal 11.2 (Spring 2016).
Beasley, James P., and Jack Selzer. "Present at the Creation: Kenneth Burke at the First CCCC." Rhetoric Review, vol. 38, no. 1, 2019, pp. 39-49.
Behr, Martin. "Continuity and Change in the Thought of Kenneth Burke." MAI 31.03 (1992): 125.
Behr, Martin. Critical Moments in the Rhetoric of Kenneth Burke: Implications for Composition. Ed. Richard M. Coe. Winnepeg, Manitoba: Inkshed Publications, 1996.
Bell, Elizabeth Ellen. "A Dramatistic Analysis of Selected Works of Wole Soyinka." DAI 45.03A (1983): 283.
Bello, Richard. "A Burkeian Analysis of the 'Political Correctness' Confrontation in Higher Education." Southern Communication Journal 61.3 (Spring 1996): 243-52.
Bendixen-Park, Kitty Diane. "Dramatism and Headship: A Survey of Text-Linguistic and Rhetorical Theory to Elucidate Paul's Use of Kephale in First Corinthians 11:2-16. (Volumes I and Ii) (Kephale, Pentad)." DAI 56.03A (1994): 518.
Bendrat, Anna. "Rhetoric in Digital Communication: Merging Tradition with Modernity." Res Rhetorica, vol. 6, no. 3, 2019, pp. 111-124.
Benne, Kenneth D. "Toward a Grammar of Educational Motives." Essay-review of A Grammar of Motives. Educational Forum 11 (1947): 233-239.
Bennett, W. Lance. "Political Scenarios and the Nature of Politics." Philosophy and Rhetoric 8 (Winter 1983): 23-42.
Benoit, William L. "Systems of Explanation: Aristotle and Burke on 'Cause.'" Rhetoric Society Quarterly 13.1 (Winter 1983): 41-57.
Benoit, William L., and Michael D. Moeder. Bibliography of Several Approaches to Rhetorical Criticism. Annandale, VA: Speech Communication Association, 1989.
Berlinski, Edward G. "Kenneth Burke, Identification, and Psychoanalytic Theory." DAI 59.04A (1997): 184.
Berokoff, Tanya Ellen. "Old West, New West: Rhetorical Representations on Vigilantism in Film (Michael Mann, Bill Pullman)." MAI 41.04 (2003): 112.
Berry, Elvera Buettner. "Undergraduate Education: A Burkean Perspective." DAI 48.02A (1987): 153.
Bertelsen, Dale A. "Kenneth Burke's Conception of Reality: The Process of Transformation and Its Implications for Rhetorical Criticism." Extensions of the Burkeian System. Ed. James W. Chesebro. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 1993. 230-47.
Berthold, Carol A. "Kenneth Burke's Cluster-Agon Method: Its Development and an Application." Central States Speech Journal 27 (Winter 1976): 302-09.
Bessiegravere, Jean. "Kenneth Burke face à quelques ecrivains européens (1921 1932)." Revue de littérature comparée 54 (April June 1980): 174-95.
Bessiegravere, Jean. "Kenneth Burke: Critique, Lecture, Litterature Rhetorique, Linguistique et Communaute de Communication." Oeuvres and Critiques: Revue Internationale d'Etude de la Reception Critique d'Etude des 0euvres Litteraires de Langue 11.2 (1986): 209-18.
Betts Van Dyk, Krista K. “From the Plaint to the Comic: Kenneth Burke’s Towards a Better Life.” Rhetoric Society Quarterly 36.1 (2006): 31–53.
Bewley. Marius. "Kenneth Burke as Literary Critic," first published in 1948; reprinted in The Complex Fate, London: Chatto and Windus, 1952. 211-243.
Bialostosky, Don. “Symbolic Action and Dialogic Social Interaction in Burke's and the Bakhtin School's Sociological Approaches to Poetry.” KB Journal 11.1 (Summer 2015).
Biebel, Brett. “Standing Up for Comedy: Kenneth Burke and The Office.” KB Journal 7.1 (Fall 2010).
Biesecker, Barbara A. Addressing Postmodernity: Kenneth Burke, Rhetoric, and a Theory of Social Change. Tuscaloosa, AL : U of Alabama P, 1997.);
Biesecker, Barbara. "Kenneth Burke's Grammar of Motives: Speculations on the Politics of Interpretation." Rhetoric and Ideology: Compositions and Criticisms of Power. Ed. Charles W. Kneupper. Arlington, TX: Rhetoric Society of America, 1989. 82-89.
Biesecker, Barbara Ann. "Kenneth Burke's "A Grammar of Motives", "A Rhetoric of Motives" And "The Rhetoric of Religion": Towards an Ontology of Individual and Collective Action." DAI 50.06A (1989): 168.
Biles, Jeremy. Review of The Rites of Identity: The Religious Naturalism and Cultural Criticism of Kenneth Burke and Ralph Ellison by Beth Eddy. Journal of Religion 85.1 (Jan. 2005): 186-8.
Birdsell, David S. "Kenneth Burke at the Nexus of Argument and Trope." Argumentation and Advocacy: Journal of the American Forensic Association 29 (Spring 1993): 178-85.
Birdsell, David S. "Ronald Reagan on Lebanon and Grenada: Flexibility and Interpretation in the Application of Kenneth Burke's Pentad" The Quarterly Journal of Speech 73.3 (August 1987): 267-79.
Bishop, John Peale. "Gulliver on the Subway." Review of The White Oxen. The Saturday Review of Literature 1 (3 January 1925): 427.
Bjork, Rebecca Suzanne. "The Strategic Defense Initiative: Symbolic Containment of the Nuclear Threat." DAI 50.11A (1989): 01.
Black, Max. Review of A Grammar of Motives. The Philosophical Review 55 (July 1946): 487-490.
Black, Jason Edward. “Symbolic Suicide as Mortification, Transformation, and Counterstatement: The Conciliatory (Yet) Resistant Surrender of Maka-tai-mesh-ekia-kiak.” KB Journal 2.1 (Fall 2005).
Black, Jeremy. Review of Kenneth Burke on Shakespeare by Kenneth Burke. Ed. Scott L. Newstok. Notes & Queries 55.3 (Sep. 2008): 386-8.
Blackmur, R. P. "A Critic's Job of Work," first published in 1935; reprinted in Language as Gesture, New York: Harcourt. Brace and Company, 1952. 391-394.
Blackmur, R. P. "The Lion and the Honeycomb," first published in 1950; reprinted in The Lion and the Honeycomb, New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1955. 193-195.
Blackmur, R. P. "Language as Gesture," first published in 1943; reprinted in Language as Gesture, New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1952. 3-4.
Blair, Carole. "Symbolic Action and Discourse: The Convergent/Divergent Views of Kenneth Burke and Michel Foucault." Kenneth Burke and Contemporary European Thought. Ed. Bernard L. Brock. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 1995. 119-65.
Blakesley, David, and Todd Deam. "Kenneth Burke's FBI Files." KB Journal 13.1 (Fall 2017).
Blakesley, David, ed. The Terministic Screen: Rhetorical Perspectives on Film. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 2003. Uses "Terministic Screens" from Language as Symbolic Action and draws from A Rhetoric of Motives.
Blakesley, David. “And Now . . . Essays Toward a Symbolic of Motives, 1950 to 1955.” KB Journal 3.2 (Spring 2007).
Blakesley, David. “Burke's New Boiks: Get 'em While They're Hot and Before They're Not . . .” KB Journal 3.1 (Fall 2006).
Blakesley, David. The Elements of Dramatism. Boston: Longman, 2002.
Blakesley, David. "Listen for a While, then Put in Your O(a)r." Explanation Points, edited by John R. Gallagher and Dànielle Nicole DeVoss, Utah State University Press, 2019.
Blakesley, David. "Kenneth Burke's Pragmatism--Old and New." Kenneth Burke and the 21st Century. Ed. Bernard L. Brock. Albany: State U of New York P, 1999. 71-95.
Blakesley, David. Kenneth Burke and Rhetorical Inquiry in American Criticism, 1920-1950. Dissertation Abstracts International, Ann Arbor, MI (DAI). 1990 July, 51:1, 162A. Degree-granting institution: U of Southern California.
Blakesley, David. Review of Reorienting Rhetoric: The Dialectic of List and Story by John D. O'Banion. The Kenneth Burke Society Newsletter. 10.1 (June 1995): 22-25.
Blakesley, David. "So What's Rhetorical about Criticism? A Subjective Dialogue Featuring Kenneth Burke and Fredric Jameson." Textuality and Subjectivity: Essays on Language and Being. Eds. Dale Gowen, Ken Mendoza, and Eitel Timm. Columbia, SC: Camden, 1991. 14-20.
Blankenship, Jane, and Janette Kenner Muir. "On Imaging the Future: The Secular Search for 'Piety.'" Communication Quarterly 35 (Winter 1987): 112.
Blankenship, Jane. "Kenneth Burke on Ecology: A Synthesis." Extensions of the Burkeian System. Ed. James W. Chesebro Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 1993. 251-68.
Blankenship, Jane. "'Magic' and 'Mystery' in the Works of Kenneth Burke." The Legacy of Kenneth Burke. Eds. Herbert W. Simons and Trevor Melia. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1989. 246-76.
Blanton, Raymond. Review of The Rhetoric of Intention in Human Affairs by Gary Woodward. KB Journal 11.2 (Spring 2016). Web.
Blanton, Shirley. "The Pentad Revisited." English in Texas 26.1 (Fall 1994): 18-21.
Blau, Herbert. "Kenneth Burke: Tradition and the Individual Critic," American Quarterly 6 (1954): 323-336.
Bloom, Harold. "A Tribute to Kenneth Burke." Book World (May 31, 1981): 4.
Bloom, Harold. A Map of Misreading. New York: Oxford UP, 1975.
Bloom, Harold. Agon: Towards A Theory of Revisionism. New York: Oxford UP, 1982.
Bloom, Harold. The Breaking of the Vessels. The Wellek Library Lectures at the U of California, Irvine. Ed. Frank Lentricchia. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1982.
Bloom, James D. "Fellow Travelers: A Canon for Critics." Review of Kenneth Burke: Literature and Language as Symbolic Action by Greig E. Henderson, The Legacy of Kenneth Burke by Herbert W. Simons and Trevor Melia, eds., Kenneth Burke and Martin Heidegger, With a Note Against Deconstruction by Samuel B. Southwell, and Lionel Trilling: The Work of Liberation by Daniel T. O'Hara. American Literary History 2.4 (Winter 1990): 772-83.
Bloomfield, Emma F. "The Rhetoric of Energy Darwinism: Neoliberal Piety and Market Autonomy in Economic Discourse." Rhetoric Society Quarterly, vol. 49, no. 4, 2019, pp. 320-341.
Bloomfield, Emma F., and Gabriela Tscholl. "Analyzing Warrants and Worldviews in the Rhetoric of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton: Burke and Argumentation in the 2016 Presidential Election." KB Journal, vol. 13, no. 2, 2018.
Blum. W. C. "A Poetry of Perspectives" Review of Book of Moments. Poetry. 86 I (March 1956): 362-366.
Bobbitt, David A. The Rhetoric of Redemption: Kenneth Burke’s Redemption Drama and Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream Speech.”Communication, Media, and Politics Series. New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2004.
Bogel, Fredric V. The Difference Satire Makes: Rhetoric and Reading from Jonson to Byron. Cornell University Press, 2019, doi:10.7591/j.ctvrf89x4.
Boggs, Nicholas Taylor. "The Critic and the Little Man: On African-American Literary Studies in the Post-Civil Rights Era (James Baldwin, Ralph Ellison)." DAI 66.07A (2005): 250.
Bognar, Holly H. "A Shift in Public Administration Theory Illustrated through the Rhetoric of Inquiry (Kenneth Burke)." DAI 58.10A (1997): 193.
Bonadonna, Angelo. Kenneth Burke's Comedy of Motives Dissertation Abstracts International, Ann Arbor, MI (DAI). 1994 Nov, 55:5, 1266A DAI No.: DA9426610. Degree granting institution: U of Illinois, Chicago, 1994.
Bonanno, Justin N. "Capital as the Lens that Bourdieu Pierres through: Public Relations, Social Theory, and Rhetoric." Public Relations Review, vol. 44, no. 3, 2018, pp. 385-392.
Bonner, T. Review of The Selected Correspondence of Kenneth Burke and Malcolm Cowley, 1915-1981 by Paul Jay, ed. Choice 27 (February 1990): 948.
Bonnstetter, Beth E. "Mel Brooks Meets Kenneth Burke (And Mikhail Bakhtin): Comedy and Burlesque in Satiric Film." Journal of Film and Video 63.1 (2011): 18-31.
Booth, Wayne C. Critical Understanding: The Powers and Limits of Pluralism Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1979.
Booth, Wayne C. "Kenneth Burke's Way of Knowing. " Critical Inquiry 1 (Fall 1974): 1-22. Burke's responds with "Dancing with Tears in My Eyes."
Booth, Wayne C. "The Many Voices of Kenneth Burke, Theologian and Prophet, as Revealed in His Letters to Me." Unending Conversations: New Writings by and about Kenneth Burke. Ed. Greig R. Henderson and David Cratis Williams. Rhetorical Philosophy and Theory. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 2001. 179-201.
Borchers, Timothy A. "The Rhetorical Construction of Allegations of Political Corruption in Case Studies of Nixon, Carter, Reagan, and Clinton (Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton)." DAI 57.04A (1996): 269.
Borrowman, Shane, and Marcia Kmetz. "Divided We Stand: Beyond Burkean Identification." Rhetoric Review 30.3 (2011): 275-292.
Bostdorff, Denise M. "The Contemporary Presidency and the Rhetoric of Promoted Crisis." DAI 49.03A (1987): 582.
Bostdorff, Denise M. "Making Light of James Watt: A Burkean Approach to the Form and Attitude of Political Cartoons." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 73 (February 1987): 43-59.
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Brock, Bernard L. "The Limits of the Burkeian System." In "The Forum: Burke Revisited and Revised." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 78.3 (August 1992): 347-48. Tompkins and Cheney respond with "On the Limits and Sub-Stance of Burke and His Critics."
Brock, Bernard L., ed. Kenneth Burke and the 21st Century. Albany: State U of New York P, 1999.
Brock, Bernard L., ed. Kenneth Burke and Contemporary European Thought: Rhetoric in Transition. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 1995.
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Brown, Kevin James. "Communicating Face: Exploring Face Performance in an Organizational Society." DAI 61.09A (2000): 324.
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Cautrell, Dion Claude. "The Substance of Style: Invention, Arrangement, and Paralogic Rhetoric in the Composition Classroom." DAI 63.06A (2002): 264.
Chambers, Leslie A. B. A Grammar of Consubstantiality: A Burkean Feminist Rhetorical Analysis of Third-Person Identity Constitution in Science-Fiction Television, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2018.
Chamberlain, John. "Mr. Burke's Experiment in the Novel." Review of Towards a Better Life. The New York Times Book Review 31 January 1932. 2.
Chamberlain, John. "Rhetoric Finds a Champion in Mr. Kenneth Burke." Review of Counter-Statement. The New York Times Book Review (25 October 1931): 2.
Chandler, Robert C. "Representative Anecdotes in Organizational Communication: Corporate Annual Reports as a Case Study." Journal of Communication Studies 6 (1988): 10-14.
Chapell, Bryan S. "The Effective Use and Development Of "Life-Situation" Illustrations in Contemporary Preaching: Analysis and Application of Interpersonal Hermeneutics for a Rhetorical Model of Homiletical Communication." DAI 49.03A (1987): 224.
Charland, Maurice. "Constitutive Rhetoric: The Case of the 'Peuple Quebecois.'" The Quarterly Journal of Speech 73 (May 1987): 133-50.
Chase, Richard. "Rhetoric of Rhetoric." Review of A Rhetoric of Motives. Partisan Review 17 (September-October 1950): 736-739.
Cheney, George, Kathy Garvin-Doxas, and Kathleen Torrens. "Kenneth Burke's Implicit Theory of Power." Kenneth Burke and the 21st Century. Ed. Bernard L. Brock. Albany: State U of New York P, 1999. 133-50.
Cheney, George Edward. "Speaking of Who "We" Are: The Development of the U.S. Catholic Bishops' Pastoral Letter "The Challenge of Peace" As a Case Study in Identity, Organization, and Rhetoric (Communication, Religion, Theory, Language, United States)." DAI 46.11A (1985): 479.
Cheney, George, and Charles Conrad. "Aristotle, Burke, and Beyond." The Handbook of Organizational Rhetoric and Communication, edited by Oyvind Ihlen and Robert L. Heath, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Hoboken, NJ, USA, 2018, pp. 453 - 469.
Chernekoff, Janice. "Embodied Rhetorics: Writing Rides from the Seat of a Bike." KB Journal, vol. 13, no. 2, 2018.
Chesebro, James W. "Communication, Values, and Popular Television Series A Seventeen-Year Assessment." Communication Quarterly 39 (Summer 1991): 197-225.
Chesebro, James W. "Epistemology and Ontology as Dialectical Modes in the Writings of Kenneth Burke." Communication Quarterly 36 (Summer 1988): 175-91.
Chesebro, James W. "Extending the Burkeian System: A Response to Tompkins and Cheney." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 80.1 (February 1994): 83-90. See Tompkins and Cheney, "On the Limits and Sub-Stance of Kenneth Burke and His Critics."
Chesebro, James W. "Extensions of the Burkeian System." In "The Forum: Burke Revisited and Revised." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 78.3 (August 1992): 356-68. See also Tompkins and Cheney, "On the Limits and Sub-Stance of Kenneth Burke and His Critics."
Chesebro, James, ed. Extensions of the Burkeian System. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 1993.
Chesebro, James W. "Kenneth Burke and Jacques Derrida." Kenneth Burke and Contemporary European Thought. Ed. Bernard L. Brock. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 1995. 166-206.
Chesebro, James W. "Kenneth Burke's Dramatism Applied to the Analysis of Rhetorical Strategies." Master's thesis. Illinois State University, 1967.
Chesebro, James W. "Multiculturalism and the Burkean System: Limitations and Extensions." Kenneth Burke and the 21st Century. Ed. Bernard L. Brock. Albany: State U of New York P, 1999. 167-88.
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Chidester, Phil. Review of Romancing the Difference: Kenneth Burke, Bob Jones University, and the Rhetoric of Religious Fundamentalism by Camille K. Lewis. Rhetoric & Public Affairs 12.2 (Summer 2009): 320-22.
Chin, Renee Jill. "Workplace Narratives: Enacting the Value for Diversity." DAI 62.09A (2001): 267.
Choinski, Thomas. "Dramaturgy, Wargaming and Technological Innovation in the United States Navy: Four Historical Case Studies." Order No. 10265808 Salve Regina University, 2017. Ann Arbor: ProQuest. Web.
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Chordas, Thomas John. "Building the Kingdom: The Creativity of Ritual Performance in Catholic Pentecostalism." DAI 41.09A (1980): 228.
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Ciardi, John. "The Critic in Love." Review of Book of Moments. The Nation 181 (8 October 1955): 307-308.
Ciesielski, Dennis J. "'Secular Pragmatism': Kenneth Burke and the [Re]socialization of Literature and Theory." Kenneth Burke and the 21st Century. Ed. Bernard L. Brock. Albany: State U of New York P, 1999. 243-67.
Clair, Robin Patric. “Rhetorical Ingenuity in the New Global Realities: A Case of the Anti-Sweatshop Movement [Special Issue].” KB Journal 8.1 (Spring 2012).
Clapp, Tara Lynne. "Environmental Identities: Rhetorics of Environmental Planning (Rachel Carson, Aldo Leopold, Ian Mcharg, Kenneth Burke)." DAI 64.12A (2003): 395.
Clapp, Tara Lynne. “Social Identity as Grammar and Rhetoric of Motives: Citizen Housewives and Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring.” KB Journal 5.2 (Spring 2009).
Clark, Gregory. "'A Child Born of the Land': The Rhetorical Aesthetic of Hawaiian Song." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 42.3 (2012): 251-270.
Clark, Gregory. Civic Jazz: American Music and Kenneth Burke on the Art of Getting Along. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015. Print.
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Clark, Gregory. Rhetorical Landscapes in America: Variations on a Theme from Kenneth Burke. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 2004.
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Clark, Ira. Review of Kenneth Burke on Shakespeare by Kenneth Burke. Ed. Scott L. Newstok Comparative Drama 42.2 (2008): 234–37.
Clark, Miriam. Review of Kenneth Burke: Late Poems, 1968-1993 by Kenneth Burke. Eds. Julie Whitaker and David Blakesley. KB Journal 3.1 (Fall 2006). Web.
Clemens, Anna Valdine. "The Return of the Repressed: Gothic Horror From "The Castle of Otranto" To "Alien" (Walpole, Horace, King, Stephen, Scott, Ridley)." DAI 55.11A (1994): 247.
Clements, Steven M. "A Metaphysic of Form: Extending Burke's Theory of Form." Thesis. Central Missouri State University, 2004.
Clemons, Amy Lea. "The Rhetoric of Hope: Kenneth Burke and Dystopian Fiction." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 72.5 (2011): 1642.
Click, Benjamin A. L., III. "A Rhetoric of Humor: Towards an American Identity as Revealed through the Southwest Humorists." DAI 55.09A (1994): 250.
Clifford, John, and John Schilb. "A Perspective on Eagleton's Revival of Rhetoric." Rhetoric Review 6 (Fall 1987): 22-30.
Clifford, John. "Burke and the Tradition of Democratic Schooling: Festschrift in Honor of Ann E. Berthoff." In Audits of Meaning. Ed. Louise Z. Smith. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/ Cook, 1988. 29-40.
Coe, Richard M. "Beyond Diction: Using Burke to Empower Words And Wordlings." Rhetoric Review 11 (Spring 1993): 368-77.
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Coe, Richard M. "It Takes Capital to Defeat Dracula: A New Rhetorical Essay." College English 48 (March 1986): 231-42. Burke's responds with "A Comment on 'It Takes Capital to Defeat Dracula.'" College English 49 (February 1987): 221-22.
Coe, Richard M. Review of Kenneth Burke: Literature and Language as Symbolic Action by Greig E. Henderson. University of Toronto Quarterly 60 (Fall 1990): 106-08.
Cohen, Jodi R. "Kenneth Burke for the 21st Century." Review of Extensions of the Burkeian System by James W. Chesebro, ed. Communication Quarterly 42 (Winter 1994): 89-90.
Coles, Gregory. "EMERGING VOICES: The Exorcism of Language: Reclaimed Derogatory Terms and their Limits." College English 78.5 (2016): 424-46. Web.
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Collins, Mary Evelyn. "An Approach to the Study of Kenneth Burke: Meaning and Readability (Dramatistic, Pentad, Agency/Purpose)." DAI 45.08A (1984): 176.
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Condit, Celeste. "Post Burke: Transcending the Sub-Stance of Dramatism." In "The Forum: Burke Revisited and Revised ." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 78.3 (August 1992): 349-55. See response by Tompkins and Cheney, "On the Limits and Sub-Stance of Kenneth Burke and His Critics."
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Farrell, Kathleen M. Review of Kenneth Burke in Greenwich Village: Conversing with the Moderns, 1915-1931 by Jack Selzer. The Quarterly Journal of Speech 84.4 (November 1998): 528-30.
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Feehan, Michael. "Kenneth Burke's Contribution to a Theory of Language." Semiotica 76 (1989): 245-66.
Feehan, Michael. “A Note on the Writing of A Rhetoric of Motives [Special Issue].” KB Journal 8.1 (Spring 2012).
Feehan, Michael, et al. "Memories of Kenneth Burke." KB Journal, vol. 13, no. 2, 2018. [presentation at 2017 Kenneth Burke Society Triennial Conference]
Fergusson. Francis. "Kenneth Burke's Grammar of Motives." Essay-review of A Grammar of Motives, first published in 1946; reprinted in The Human Image in Dramatic Literature, Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday Anchor Books, 1957, 193-204.
Ferrando, Oriana Mulatero. “Torn: A Cluster Analysis.” Oregon State University, 2016. ScholarsArchive@OSU. Web.
Feyerherm, Joel. "Applications of Kenneth Burke's Theories to Teaching Technical Writing." Technical Writing Teacher 17 (Winter 1990): 41-49.
Fife, Jane. "Peeling The Onion: Satire and the Complexity of Audience Response." Rhetoric Review 35.4 (2016): 322-34. Web.
Fillion, Bryant P. Rhetoric as Symbolic Action: An Explication of Kenneth Burke's Theory of Rhetoric and Its Implications for the Teaching of Rhetoric in Secondary Schools. Dissertation Abstracts International, Ann Arbor, MI 1970, 30, 4942A (Fla. State).
Fisher, Walter R. Human Communication as Narration: Toward a Philosophy of Reason, Value, and Action. Columbia: U of South Carolina P, 1987.
Fiordo, Richard. "Kenneth Burke's Semiotic." Semiotica: Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies 23 (1978): 53-75.
Flannery, Mary Ann. "A Dramatistic Analysis of Rhetorical Strategies and Motives in the Sanctuary Trial, United States V. Maria Del Socorro Pardo De Aguilar, Et.Al. (1986) (United States V. Maria Del Socorro Pardo De Aguilar)." DAI 50.11A (1989): 279.
Flecky, Alexandra N. "High Priest and Homespun Prophet: The Role of Argument and Synecdoche in Scientific Voices (Richard Dawkins, Michael Behe)." MAI 39.04 (2001): 199.
Fleming, D. "Rhetoric as a Course of Study." College English 61.2 (1998): 169-91.Fleming, Rudd, Review of Perspectives by Incongruity and Terms for Order. Modern Language Journal 69 (October 1965): 396-397.
Fletcher, Angus. "Volume and Body in Burke's Criticism, or Stalled in the Right Place." Representing Kenneth Burke. Eds. Hayden White and Margaret Brose. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1982. 150-75.
Flood, Timothy Edward. "Changing Voices: Teaching the History of Rhetoric through Film." DAI 63.04A (2002): 435.
Fluck, Winfried. "Literature as Symbolic Action." Amerikastudien 28.3 (1983): 361-371.
Fogarty, Daniel, S.J. "Kenneth Burke's Theory" and "Choices and Possibilities for a New Rhetoric," Roots for a New Rhetoric, New York: Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1959, 56-87, 116-140.
Ford, Newell F. "Kenneth Burke and Robert Penn Warren: Criticism by Obsessive Metaphor." Journal of English and Germanic Philology 53 (1954): 172-177.
Forman, Janis. "Collaborative Business Writing: A Burkean Perspective for Future Research." Journal of Business Communication 28 (Summer 1991): 233-57.
Foss, Karen A., and Cindy L. White. "'Being and the Promis of Trinity: A Feminist Addition to Burke's Theory of Dramatism." Kenneth Burke and the 21st Century. Ed. Bernard L. Brock. Albany: State U of New York P, 1999. 99-111.
Foss, Sonja K. "Pentadic Criticism." Rhetorical Criticism: Exploration and Practice. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland P, 1989. 335-43.
Foss, Sonja K., and Cindy L. Griffin. "A Feminist Perspective on Rhetorical Theory: Toward a Clarification of Boundaries." Western Journal of Communication 56 (Fall 1992): 330-49.
Foss, Sonja K., Karen A. Foss, and Robert Tra "Bibliography: Kenneth Burke." Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland P, 1985. 291-304.
Foss, Sonja K.; Karen A. Foss; and Robert Trapp. "Kenneth Burke." Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland P, 1985. 153-88.
Foster, Derek S. "Squeegee Kids: A Study of Successful Scapegoating, 1995--2001 (Kenneth Burke)." DAI 65.12A (2004): 374.
Fractenberg, David. Kenneth Burke and the Dialectical Tradition Dissertation Abstracts International, Ann Arbor, MI 1977, 38, 544A 45A.
Fraiberg, Louis. "Kenneth Burke's Terminological Medium of Exchange," Psychoanalysis and American Literary Criticism, Detroit: Wayne State University Press. 1960, 183-201.
Frank, Armin Paul. "Notes on the Reception of Kenneth Burke in Europe," Critical Responses to Kenneth Burke, 1924-1966. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1969, 424-443.
Frank, Armin Paul, and Mechthild Frank. "The Writings of Kenneth Burke: A Checklist." In Critical Responses to Kenneth Burke, 1924-1966. Ed. William H. Rueckert. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1969. 495-512.
Frank, Armin Paul. Kenneth Burke. New York: Twayne, 1969.
Frank, Joseph. "Symbols and Civilization." Review of The Rhetoric of Religion and two other books), The Sewanee Review, LXXII (1964): 479-489 (only 484-489 are specifically on Burke).
Frank. Armin Paul, and Mechthild Frank. "A Checklist of the Writings of Kenneth Burke," Critical Responses to Kenneth Burke, 1924-1966. Ed. William H. Rueckert. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1969, 495-512.
Fraser, G. S. "Technology and Insight." Review of Perspectives by Incongruity and Terms for Order, and Paul Valery's Aesthetics. Poetry. 106 (August 1965): 366-368.
Freccero, John. "Logology: Burke on St. Augustine." In Representing Kenneth Burke. Eds. Hayden White and Margaret Brose. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1982. 52-67.
Freemantle, Anne. Review of A Grammar of Motives. The Commonweal 46 (17 May 1946): 120-122.
Fritch, John E., and Karla K. Leeper. "Poetic Logic: The Metaphoric Form as a Foundation for a Theory of Tropological Argument." Argumentation and Advocacy 9 (Spring 1993): 186-94.
Fry, Virginia H. "A Juxtaposition of Two Abductions for Studying Communication and Culture." The American Journal of Semiotics 5.1 (1987): 81-93.
Fry, Virginia Henry. "A Metacritique of Kenneth Burke's Ontological, Epistemological, and Axiological Dramatistic System: A Study of a Transplanted Perspective." DAI 43.10A (1982): 189.
Frye, Joshua. "The Holism ± Reductionism Dialectic and Transhumanism's Terministic Screens." KB Journal 13.1 (Fall 2017).
Frye, Joshua. “Burke, Socioecology, and the Example of Cuban Agriculture.” KB Journal 2.2 (Spring 2006).
Fujimaki, Mitsuhiro. "The Rhetoric of Mysticism/Spirituality: Kenneth Burke and Martin Heidegger on Kojiki." Thesis. Wake Forest University, 1995.
Fulford, Robert Lewis. "Kenneth Burke's Dialectic: Platonism and Dramatism." DAI 37.10A (1976): 270. Gaber, Julia Ellen. "Lamb of God or Demagogue? A Burkean Cluster Analysis of the Selected Speeches of Minister Louis Farrakhan (Nation of Islam, Rhetoric of Rebirth)." DAI 47.11A (1986): 186.
Gabin, Rosalind J. "Entitling Kenneth Burke." Rhetoric Review 5 (Spring 1987): 196-210.
Gabler, Janet Ann. "Rhetorical Myth in Henry James's "The Bostonians," "The Wings of the Dove," And "The Golden Bowl"." DAI 43.08A (1982): 321.
Gabor, Georgina. Rhetorical Criticism in Communication Studies : Workshop for a Dream. Cambridge Scholars Publisher, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2017.
Gall, Robert. Review of Kenneth Burke and Martin Heidegger: With a Note Against Deconstruction by Samuel B. Southwell. Journal of the American Academy of Religion 58 (Spring 1990): 152-54.
Galleymore, Isabel. Review of Kenneth Burke: From Myth to Ecology by Laurence Coupe. Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism 18.1 (26 Mar. 2014): 111-2.
Gallo, Louis J. "Kenneth Burke: The Word and the World." North Dakota Quarterly 42.1 (1974): 33-45.
Gallucci, John A. "Pascal and Kenneth Burke: An Argument for a 'Logological' Reading of the Pensees." Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature 20.38 (1993): 123-50.
Galvin, Brendan J. What the Grave Says, the Nest Denies: Burkean Strategies in Theodore Roethke's 'Lost Son' Poems. Dissertation Abstracts International, Ann Arbor, MI 1970, 31, 2384A 85A (Mass.).
Gardner, Robert O. The Portable Community: Place and Displacement in Bluegrass Festival Life. Taylor and Francis, 2020, doi:10.4324/9781351022064.
Garlitz, Robert. Kenneth Burke's Logology and Literary Criticism. Bloomington, IN: Xlibris, 2011.
Garlitz, Robert. "The Sacrificial Word in Kenneth Burke's Logology." Recherches anglaises et américaines No. 12 (1979): 33-44.
Gatchet, Roger Davis, and Amanda Davis Gatchet. "Hunting Our Bad Selves: Projective Identification and the Case of the West Memphis Three." Western Journal of Communication 81.5 (2017): 523-40. Web.
Geertz, Clifford. "Blurred Genres: The Refiguration of Social Thought." Local Knowledge: Further Essays in Interpretive Anthropology. 3rd edition. New York: Basic Books, 2000. 19-35. Originally published in American Scholar 49 (Spring 1980): 165-79.
Geise, Susanne S. From Ambiguity to Perspicuity: Applying Burke's Pentad as a Means of Preserving and Expanding the Discourse Community of Blacksmithing History in Hancock County, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2018.
Geither, Jacob. Reinvigorating Identity: Applying Burkean Identity and Social Identity Theory to Analysis of Identity Formation, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2018.
Gellis, Mark. Burke, Campbell, Johnson, and Priestley: A Rhetorical Analysis of Four British Pamphlets of the American Revolution. Dissertation Abstracts International, Ann Arbor, MI (DAI). 1994 Jan, 54:7, 2555A DAI No.: DA9334350. Degree granting institution: Purdue U, 1993.
Gencarella, Stephen Olbrys. "Folk Criticism and the Art of Critical Folklore Studies." Journal of American Folklore 124.494 (2011): 251-271.
Gencarella, Stephen Olbrys. "Purifying Rhetoric: Empedocles and the Myth of Rhetorical Theory." Quarterly Journal of Speech 96.3 (2010): 231-256.
Genter, Robert. Late Modernism: Art, Culture, and Politics in Cold War America. Philadelphia, PA: U of Pennsylvania P, 2010. Print.
George, Ann and Jack Selzer. Kenneth Burke in the 1930s. Columbia : University of South Carolina Press, 2007. Print.
George, Ann. Kenneth Burke's Permanence and Change: A Critical Companion. University Of South Carolina Press, US, 2018.
George, Ann. "Kenneth Burke's 'On 'Must' And 'Take Care'': An Edition of His Reply to Parkes's Review of Attitudes Toward History." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 29.4 (Fall 1999).
George, Ann. "The Art of Living in the Age of War." KB Journal, vol 13, no. 2, 2018. [Keynote Address]
George, Ann Lawren. "Kenneth Burke's "Permanence and Change": Rhetoric and Culture." DAI 58.07A (1997): 275.
George, Barbara. "Putting in the Oar: Negotiating Modernism with Virginia Woolf and Kenneth Burke." Thesis. Clark University, 1995.
George, Merry Eleanor. "The Social Myth as Structurational Rhetoric: A Model for Analyzing the Rhetorical Texts of the Heaven's Gate Cult." DAI 64.03A (2003): 180.
Gershberg, Zac. “Existentialist Literature in the Burkean Parlor: Exploring the Contingencies and Tensions of Symbolic Action.” KB Journal 7.1 (Fall 2010).
Gershberg, Zac. Review of Judging the Supreme Court: Constructions of Motives in Bush v. Goreby Clarke Rountree. KB Journal 5.1 (Fall 2008). Web.
Gessford, Scott. "A Rhetorical Analysis of Three Characters from Moisés Kaufman's Playscript the Laramie Project Using Kenneth Burke's Dramatistic Pentad." Thesis. South Dakota State University, 2004.
Gholson, Bill D. "Rhetoric, Identity, and Morality in Selected Later Novels of Kurt Vonnegut (Vonnegut, Kurt)." DAI 55.11A (1994): 209.
Giamo, Benedict. “The Means of Representation: Kenneth Burke and American Marxism.” KB Journal 5.2 (Spring 2009).
Gibbons, Michelle. "A Neurorhetoric of Incongruity." Poroi, vol. 13, no. 2, 2018.
Gibbons, Michelle. "The Recalcitrant Invention of X-Ray Images." Technical Communication Quarterly, vol. 28, no. 1, 2019, pp. 54-68.
Gibson, Keith. “Burke, Frazer, and Ritual: Attitudes Toward Attitudes.” KB Journal 3.1 (Fall 2006).
Gibson, Keith. Review of “Becoming Symbol-Wise: Kenneth Burke’s Pedagogy of Critical Reflection” by Jessica Enoch. KB Journal 1.2 (Spring 2005). Web.
Giddens, Elizabeth. "An Epistemic Case Study: Identification and Attitude Change in John McPhee's 'Coming into the Country.'" Rhetoric Review 11 (Spring 1993): 378-99.
Giddens, Elizabeth J. "John Mcphee's Rhetoric of Balance and Perspective (Mcphee John)." DAI 52.03A (1990): 241.
Gingrich, Nadine Marie. "Ministering Angels: Discursive Representations of Women in Unofficial War Propaganda, 1914--1918." DAI 61.06A (2000): 248.
Gittens, Rhana A. ""what if I Am a Woman?": Black Feminist Rhetorical Strategies of Intersectional Identification and Resistance in Maria Stewart's Texts." Southern Communication Journal, vol. 83, no. 5, 2018, pp. 310-321.
Glazer, Leslie. "Perspectives on Good and Evil: An Inquiry into the Representation of Good and Evil and Its Connection with Gender and Level of Education (Moral Representation, Justice)." DAI 59.04B (1998): 191.
Glenn, Thane Powell. "The Invented Language: John Foxe, Edmund Spenser, and the Rhetorical Development of English as a Genre of Heritage in the Sixteenth Century." DAI 67.04A (2006): 270.
Glicksberg, Charles I. "Kenneth Burke: The Critic's Critic." The South Atlantic Ouarterly. 36 (1937): 74-84.
Glicksberg, Charles L. "Kenneth Burke," American Literary Criticism 1900-1950, New York: Hendricks House, 1951, 307-309.
Golcher, Alison Stone. "The Land of Oz: Case Studies in Political Mythology in Modern Latin America (Burke Kenneth, Barthes Roland, Mexico, Costa Rica, Partido Liberaci on Nacional)." DAI 55.03A (1993): 293.
Goldrick-Jones, Amanda. "Men in a Feminist Forum: A Rhetorical Analysis of the White Ribbon Campaign against Male Violence." DAI 57.10A (1996): 263.
Goldzwig, Steven Roger. "The Rhetoric of Public Theology: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Social Justice Wing of the United States Catholic Church (Burke, Boulding, Values, Image)." DAI 46.11A (1985): 512.
Golffing, Francis C. "Kenneth Burke's Dramatistic Criticism." Review of A Grammar of Motives. Poetry 67 (1945-46): 338-341.
Gomme, Andor. "Strategic Selection: Criticism by Choice of Terms" and "Burke's Method in Action," Attitudes to Criticism, Carbondale, IL.: Southern Illinois UP, 1966. 139-144.
Gonklin, Groff. "The Science of Symbology." Review of Attitudes toward History. The New, Masses 24 (10 August 1937): 25-26.
Goodall, H. Lloyd, Jr., et al. "The Performance Appraisal Interview: An Interpretative Reassessment." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 72 (February 1986): 74-87.
Goodheart, Eugene. "Burke Revisited ." The Sewanee Review 102 (Summer 1994): 424-38.
Goodman, Jenny. "Politics and the Personal Lyric in the Poetry of Joy Harjo and C. D. Wright." MELUS 19 (Summer 1994): 35-56.
Goodwin, David. "Controversiae Meta Asystatae and the New Rhetoric." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 19.3 (Summer 1989): 205-16.
Gore, David. “Attitudes Toward Money in Kenneth Burke’s Dialog in Heaven Between The Lord and Satan.” KB Journal 5.2 (Spring 2009).
Graham, Phil. "Halliday and Lemke: A Comparison of Contextual Potentials for Two Metafunctional Systems." Critical Discourse Studies 13.5 (2016): 548-67. Web.
Graham, Phil. "Communicative Dimensions of Neoliberalism, Globalisation, and Militarism." The Handbook of Communication and Security, edited by Bryan C. Taylor and Hamilton Bean, Routledge, 2019, pp. 281 - 299.
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Graff, Richard, and Wendy Winn. "Kenneth Burke's 'Identification' and Chaïm Perelman and Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca's 'Communion': A Case of Convergent Evolution?" The Promise of Reason: Studies in the New Rhetoric. 103-133. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois UP, 2011.
Grattan, C. Hartley. "A Novel Not a Novel." Review of Towards a Better Life. The Saturday Review of Literature 7 (19 March 1932): 604.
Graves, Heather Brodie. "Regrinding the Lens of Gender: Problematizing 'Writing as a Woman.'" Written Communication 10 (April 1993): 139-63.
Green, Gary Lee. "The Language of Nightmare: A Theory of American Gothic Fiction." DAI 46.05A (1985): 260.
Green, William Jere. "A Variorum Edition of John Keats's "Ode on a Grecian Urn"." DAI 50.10A (1989): 309.
Greenberg, Clement. Review of The Philosophy of Literary Form. Partisan Review 8 (November-December 1941): 515-516.
Greene, Carlnita P. “Early Disaster Cinema as Dysfunctional “Equipment for Living”: or How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Kenneth Burke.” KB Journal 5.2 (Spring 2009).
Gregg, Richard B. "Kenneth Burke's Concept of Rhetorical Negativity." In Extensions of the Burkeian System. Ed. James W. Chesebro. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 1993. 189-207.
Gregg, Richard B. "Kenneth Burke's Prolegomena to the Study of the Rhetoric of Form." Communication Quarterl, 26 (Fall 1978): 3-13.
Gregory, Horace. "The Man on the Park Bench." Review of Towards a Better Life. The New York Herald Tribune Books. 31 January 1932, 2.
Gregory, Rochelle Denisha. "Identifying the Autistic Individual as Living Computer by Making Rhetorical 'Space' for Kenneth Burke in Cognitive Disability Studies." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 71.3 (2010): 935.
Greiff, Louis K. "Symbolic Action in Hardy's, The Woodlanders: An Application of Burkian Theory." The Thomas Hardy Yearbook 14 (1987): 52-62.
Grey, Stephanie Houston. “A Perfect Loathing: The Feminist Expulsion of the Eating Disorder.” KB Journal 7.2 (Spring 2011).
Griffin, Charles James Grant. "Charles Finney's Prayer: A Dramatistic Interpretation of Charles Grandison Finney's Lectures on Revivals of Religion, 1834-1835 (New York)." DAI 44.12A (1983): 152.
Griffin, J. "A Pentadic Model of Semiotic Analysis." Semiotica, no. 225, 2018, pp. 213-227.
Griffin, Leland M. "When Dreams Collide: Rhetorical Trajectories in the Assassination of President Kennedy." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 70 (May 1984): 111-31.
Griffin, Leland M. "A Dramatistic Theory of the Rhetoric of Movements." Critical Responses to Kenneth Burke, 1924-1966. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1969. 456-478.
Griffin, Leland M. "The Rhetorical Structure of the 'New Left' Movement, Part One." The Quarterly Journal of Speech. 50 (1964): 113-135.
Groce, Gary Scott. "A Pentadic Examination of Kenneth Burke's Perspective by Incongruity: Reading Burke's Nietzschean Intertext (Friedrich Nietzsche)." DAI 66.11A (2005): 212.
Gronbeck, Bruce E. "Tradition and Technology in Local Newscasts: The Social Psychology of Form." The Sociological Quarterly 38 (Spring 1997): 361-74.
Grosholz, Emily. “Kenneth Burke and Shakespeare.” Review of Kenneth Burke on Shakespeare by Kenneth Burke. Ed. Scott L. Newstok. Hudson Review 61.4 (Fall 2008): 537-44.
Gudas, Fabian. "Dramatism and Modern Theories of Oral Interpretation" Eds. Eugene Bahn, et al. Peformance of Literature in Historical Perspectives. Lanham, MD: UP of America, 1983. 589-627.
Gudas, Fabian. "The Vitality of Dramatism." Literature in Performance: A Journal of Literary and Performing Art 3.2 (April 1983): 1-12.
Guerard, Albert. "Critics Make Us Think." Review of The Philosophy of Literary Form. The New York Herald Tribune Books (26 October 1941): 25.
Guerard, Albert. "Kenneth Burke and an End to Rhetoric." Review of A Rhetoric of Motives. The New York Herald Tribune Books. (23 July 1950): 8.
Guerard, Albert. "Key Terms of Human Conduct." Review of A Grammar of Motives. The New York Herald Tribune Books. (10 March 1946): 20.
Guignard, Jimmy. Pedaling the Sacrifice Zone: Teaching, Writing, and Living above the Marcellus Shale. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2015.
Gunn, Giles. The Culture of Criticism and the Criticism of Culture. New York: Oxford UP, 1987.
Gunn, Giles. The Pragmatist Turn: Religion, the Enlightenment, and the Formation of American Literature. University Of Virginia Press, US, 2017.
Gürsoy, Ýlkay T. Visiting the Visitor: An Enquiry into the Visitor Business in Museums. vol. 19, Varna University of Management, Dobrich, 2018.
Gusfield, Joseph R. "The Bridge over Separated Lands: Kenneth Burke's Significance for the Study of Social Action." The Legacy of Kenneth Burke, eds. Herbert W. Simons and Trevor Melia. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1989. 28-54.
Gusfield, Joseph R. "A Dramatistic Theory of Status Politics." Symbolic Crusade: Status Politics and the American Temperance Movement. Urbana, IL.: University of Illinois Press. 1963, 165-188.
Gusfield, Joseph. "The Literary Rhetoric of Science: Comedy and Pathos in Drinking Driver Research." American Sociological Review 4 (February 1976): 16-34.
Hacker Daniels, Adrienne Edith. "A Study of Eloquence in the Plays of Thornton N. Wilder (Wilder Thornton N. )." DAI 54.08A (1993): 370.
Hafley, J. Review of William Carlos Williams and the Diagnostics of Culture by Brian Bremen. Choice 31 (December 1993): 601.
Hagen, Peter L. "'Pure Persuasion' and Verbal Irony." The Southern Communication Journal (Fall 1995): 46-58.
Halbritter, Scott K. "Sound Arguments: Aural Rhetoric in Multimedia Composition (Kenneth Burke, John Dewey, J. David Bolter, Richard Grusin)." DAI 65.07A (2004): 235.
Hall, William Eiler. "Ethical Aspects of Kenneth Burke's "A Grammar of Motives", "A Rhetoric of Motives", And "The Rhetoric of Religion"." DAI 51.05A (1990): 333.
Hambrick, Mary Margaret. The Language of Peace: A Burkeian Analysis of the Peace Rhetoric of William Sloane Coffin, Jr. Dissertation Abstracts International, Ann Arbor, MI (DAI). 1991 Oct, 52:4, 1130A DAI No.: DA9128710. Degree granting institution: U of North Texas.
Hamam, Marco. ““If one language is not enough to convince you, I will use two”: Burkean Identification/Dissociation As a Key to Interpret Code-Switching.” KB Journal 10.1 (Summer 2014).
Hampton, Hayes Donald. "A Grammar of Ecstasy: Rhetorics of Feminist Spirituality (Theology, Witchcraft)." DAI 57.07A (1996): 212.
Hanisko, Sandralee Mary. "Foreign Affairs Perspectives toward Revolution in El Salvador: The Unfolding of U.S. Officials' Rhetorical Experiences (United States)." DAI 46.03A (1984): 197.
Hankins, June Strang Chase. "Creativity Theory and the Writing Process: A Teleological Model (Collaboration, Commitment, Investment, Social Self, Structure)." DAI 47.01A (1985): 242.
Hansen, Gregory. "Kenneth Burke's Rhetorical Theory within the Construction of the Ethnography of Speaking." Folklore Forum 27.1 (1996): n.p.
Harries, Martin. Review of Kenneth Burke on Shakespeare by Kenneth Burke. Ed. Scott L. Newstok. Theatre Survey 49.2 (2008): 305-307.
Harris, Wendell V. "The Critics Who Made Us: Kenneth Burke." The Sewanee Review 96.3 (Summer 1988): 452-63.
Harshman, Thomas Ringwood. "Jonsonian Geometry: Encompassing the Tension between Post-Structuralist Practices and the Didactic Drama (Ben Jonson)." DAI 56.08A (1995): 270.
Hart, Jeffrey. Review of Mark Royden Winchell, Neoconservative Criticism: Norman Podhoretz, Kenneth S. Lynn, and Joseph Epstein. National Review 43 (August 12, 1991): 52.
Hart, John P. "Custer and the Tragedy Myth (Custer, George Armstrong)." DAI 56.04A (1994): 393.
Hart, Roderick P. (with David Payne). "Dramatistic Analysis." Modern Rhetorical Criticism. Ed. Roderick P. Hart. Glenview, IL: Little Brown, 1990. 340-80.
Hart, Roderick P., Suzanne Daughton, and Rebecca LaVally. "Dramatistic Criticism." Modern Rhetorical Criticism, 4th ed., vol. 1, Routledge, 2018, pp. 269-290.
Hartman, Geoffrey H. "The Sacred Jungle 3: Frye, Burke, and Some Conclusions." Criticism in the Wilderness: The Study of Literature Today. New Haven: Yale UP, 1980. 86-114.
Hartman, Geoffrey H. "The Wild Man of American Criticism." Book Week (July 2, 1967): 9.
Haskell, Dale Everett. "The Rhetoric of the Familiar Essay: E. B. White and Personal Discourse." DAI 44.12A (1983): 186.
Hassett, Michael. "Constructing an Ethical Writer for the Postmodern Scene." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 25 (1995): 179-96.
Hassett, Michael. "Increasing Response Ability through Mortification: A Burkean Perspective on Teaching Writing" JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory 15.3 (1995): 471-88.
Hassett, Michael. "Sophisticated Burke: Kenneth Burke as a Neosophistic Rhetorician." Rhetoric Review 13.2 (Spring 1995): 371-90.
Hatch, John B. "Reconciliation as a Tragicomic Corrective: From Racial Offense to Rhetorical Coherence (Mark Lawrence Mcphail, Kenneth Burke, Molefi Kete Asante, Aaron David Gresson)." DAI 64.02A (2003): 463.
Hatzisavvidou, Sophia. “Disputatious Rhetoric and Political Change: The Case of the Greek Anti-Mining Movement.” Political Studies 65.1 (2016): 215-30. Web.
Haught, Kenneth Wayne. "An Analytical and Critical Study of the Functions of Contemporary Rhetorical Invention Heuristics with Application to the Theories of Chaim Perelman and Kenneth Burke." DAI 49.04A (1987): 165.
Hawhee, Debra. "Burke and Nietzsche." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 85.2 (May 1999).
Hawhee, Debra. “Kenneth Burke and American Studies.” ScholarSphere, ScholarSphere, 2018, doi:10.18113/S1NS70.
Hawhee, Debra. Moving Bodies: Kenneth Burke at the Edges of Language. Columbia: University of South Carolina, 2012.
Hawhee, Debra. “A Review of: ‘Ann George and Jack Seltzer, Kenneth Burke in the 1930s.’” Review of Kenneth Burke in the 1930s by Ann George and Jack Selzer. Southern Communication Journal 74.1 (Jan. 2009): 109-112.
Hawhee, Debra and Bryan Crable. “Video Parlor: Action and Motion.” Online video clip. KB Journal. KB Journal, Fall 2013. Web. 3 Oct. 2015.
Hawhee, Debra and John McGowan. Review of Kenneth Burke in the 1930s by Ann George and Jack Selzer. Quarterly Journal of Speech 95.1 (Feb. 2009): 105-7.
Hawhee, Debra, and Megan Poole. "Kenneth Burke at the MoMA: A Viewer's Theory." The Quarterly Journal of Speech, vol. 105, no. 4, 2019, pp. 418-440.Hayakawa, S. I. "The Linguistic Approach to Poetry." Review of The Philosophy of Literary Form. Poetry 60 (1942): 86-94.
Hayden, Alexander. Review of Moving Bodies: Kenneth Burke at the Edges of Language by Debra Hawhee. Rhetoric Review 29.1 (2010): 91-6.
Hazlitt, Henry. "Kenneth Burke's Metaphysics." Review of Permanence and Change. The New, York Times Book Review, 5 May 1935, 19.
Hazlitt, Henry. "Two Critics." Review of Counter-Statement. The Nation 134 (1932): 77.
Head, Samuel L. “Teaching Grounded Audiences: Burke’s Identification in Facebook and Composition.” Computers and Composition 39 (2016): 27-40. Web.
Hearit, Keith Michael. "A Burkean Analysis of the Rhetoric of Garrison Keillor." MAI 27.02 (1988): 91.
Hearon, Todd. Review of Kenneth Burke on Shakespeare by Kenneth Burke. Ed. Scott L. Newstok. Essays in Criticism 58.2 (Apr. 2008): 171-80.
Heath, Robert L. "Kenneth Burke on Form." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 65 (1979): 392-404.
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Heath, Robert L. "Kenneth Burke's Perspective on Perspective." Pre/ Text: A Journal of Rhetorical Theory, 6.3-4 (Fall/Winter 1985): 275-89.
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Smith, Bernard, Forces in American Criticism: A Study in the History of American Literary Thought, New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1939, 374-375, 378, 379, 384, 385.);
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Wells, Susan. "Richards, Burke, and the Relation between Rhetoric and Poetics." Pre/Text: A Journal of Rhetorical Theory. 7 (Spring/Summer 1986): 59-75.
Wess, Robert. "1670s Comedy and the Problem of Periodization." Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 11.2 (1987): 87-93.
Wess, Robert. “Ecocriticism and Kenneth Burke: An Introduction.” KB Journal 2.2 (Spring 2006).
Wess, Robert. "Frank Lentricchia's Criticism and Social Change: The Literary Intellectual as Pragmatic Humanist." Minnesota Review 27 (Fall 1986): 123-31.
Wess, Robert. "Geocentric Ecocriticism." Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 10.2 (2003): 1-19. Makes extensive use of A Rhetoric of Motives; also uses Permanence and Change..
Wess, Robert. "Kenneth Burke's 'Dialectic of Constitutions.'" Pre/Text: A Journal of Rhetorical Theory 12.1-2 (Spring-Summer 1991): 9-30.
Wess, Robert. Kenneth Burke: Rhetoric, Subjectivity, Postmodernism. Cambridge : Cambridge UP, 1996.
Wess, Robert. “Looking for the Figure in the Carpet of the Symbolic of Motives.” KB Journal 3.2 (Spring 2007).
Wess, Robert. “A McKeonist Understanding of Kenneth Burke’s Rhetorical Realism in Particular and Constructivism in General.” KB Journal 11.1 (Summer 2015).
Wess, Robert. "Narrative as a Socially Symbolic Act: The Example of Clarissa." Narrative Poetics: Innovations, Limits, Challenges. Ed. James Phelan. Columbus: Center for Comparative Studies in Humanities, Ohio State U, 1987. 69-78.
Wess, Robert "The Question of Truth Dialectically Considered." Pre/Text: A Journal of Rhetorical Theory 12.1-2 (Spring-Summer 1991): 61-65. Reply to Feehan's, "Kenneth Burke's Dualistic Theory of Constitutions."
Wess, Robert. "Pentadic Terms and Master Tropes: Ontology of the Act and Epistemology of the Trope in A Grammar of Motives." Unending Conversations: New Writings by and about Kenneth Burke. Ed. Greig R. Henderson and David Cratis Williams. Rhetorical Philosophy and Theory. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 2001. 154-75.
Wess, Robert. “Representative Anecdotes in General, with Notes toward a Representative Anecdote for Burkean Ecocriticism in Particular.” KB Journal 1.1 (Fall 2004).
Wess, Robert. Review of Representing Kenneth Burke by Hayden White and Margaret Brose, eds. Modern Language Notes 98 (December 1983): 1315-18.
Wess, Robert. "Utopian Rhetoric in The Man of Mode." The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 27.2 (Spring 1986): 141-61.
Wetherbee, Ben. "Jameson, Burke, and the Virus of Suggestion: Between Ideology and Rhetoric." The Henry James Review, vol. 36, no. 3, 2015, pp. 280-287.
Whalen-Bridge, John. Tibet on Fire: Buddhism, Protest, and the Rhetoric of Self-Immolation, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
Whitaker, Julie. “Preface to Kenneth Burke's LATE POEMS, 1958-1993.” KB Journal 3.1 (Fall 2006).
White, Hayden, and Margaret Brose, eds. Representing Kenneth Burke. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1982.
White, Hayden. Metahistory: The Historical Imagination in Nineteenth-Century Europe. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1973.
White, Hayden. Tropics of Discourse: Essays in Cultural Criticism. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1978.
White, Leah Ellen. "Life? Or Theater?: A Text of Incongruity and Fragmented Subjectivity (Autobiography, Charlotte Salomon, Kenneth Burke)." DAI 58.10A (1997): 258.
White, R. S. Review of Kenneth Burke on Shakespeare by Kenneth Burke. Ed. Scott L. Newstok. Notes and Queries 55.3 (2008): 387–88.
White, Zachary M. "Re-Examining Kenneth Burke On "Identification" In The "New" Rhetoric." DAI 64.11A (2003): 188.
Wiley, Norbert. The Rhetoric of Signs. vol. 48, SAGE Publications, Los Angeles, CA, 2019.
Wilhelm, Laura Kristan. "The Fate of the Fable in Modern Russian Literature." DAI 55.09A (1994): 272.
Williams, Daron. “Athlete as Agency: Motive in the Rhetoric of NASCAR.” KB Journal 6.1 (Fall 2009).
Williams, David Cratis. "Nuclear Criticism: In Pursuit of a 'Politically Enabling' Deconstructive Voice." Journal of the American Forensics Association 24 (Winter 1988): 193-205.
Williams, David Cratis, and Greig Henderson, eds. Unending Conversations: New Writings by and about Kenneth Burke. Rhetorical Philosophy and Theory. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 2001.
Williams, David Cratis. "Requiem for Antithesis: Burke, King, and the Politics of Art" American Communication Journal 4.2 (Winter 2001).
Williams, David Cratis. "Toward Rounding Out the Motivorum Trilogy." Unending Conversations: New Writings by and about Kenneth Burke. Ed. Greig Henderson and David Cratis Williams. Rhetorical Philosophy and Theory. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 2001. 3-34.
Williams, David Cratis. "Toward Kenneth Burke's Philosophy of Rhetoric: An Intellectual History, 1897-1935 (Burke Kenneth)." DAI 52.02A (1990): 442.
Williams, David Cratis. "Under the Sign of (An)Nihilation: Burke in the Age of Nuclear Destruction and Critical Deconstruction." The Legacy of Kenneth Burke. Eds. Herbert W. Simons and Trevor Melia. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1989. 196-223.
Williams, Jonathan F. "Burke, Black Metal, and the Golden Dawn: Deconstructing the Dangerous Appeal of National Socialist Black Metal." Present Tense: A Journal of Rhetoric in Society, vol. 7, no. 1, 2018, pp. 1.
Williams, Jeannette Lea. "De-Legitimizing the Liberal Scapegoat through Comedy: Reconstructing the Strategic Victimage in Rush Limbaugh's Rhetoric (Victimization, Metaphor)." DAI 60.07A (1999): 355.
Williams, Mark. “Stylizing Substance Abuse as Ritualized Healing.” KB Journal 11.1 (Summer 2015).
Williams, Mark Thayne. "Discovering Rhetorical Contexts: Topical Strategies and Tropical Structure in Academic Discourse." DAI 60.04A (1999): 228.
Williams, William Carlos. "Kenneth Burke," The Dial, 86 I (1929): 6-8. This piece was reprinted, without the last five paragraphs, in Selected Essays of William Carlos Williams. New York: Random House, 1954; 132-133.
Willihnganz, Jonah Gabriel. "Radio Blues: Literature, Mass Communication and the Human Voice in Depression America (Kenneth Burke, John Dos Passos, Henry Roth)." DAI 66.05A (2005): 192.
Wilson, Deborah Sue. Lost Boundaries: Kenneth Burke, Nathanael West, Djuna Barnes and the Disorder of Things. Dissertation Abstracts International, Ann Arbor, MI (DAI). 1987 Aug., 48:2, 394A.
Wilson, Deborah Sue. "Lost Boundaries: Kenneth Burke, Nathanael West, Djuna Barnes and the Disorder of Things." DAI 48.02A (1987): 275.
Wilson, Hilary Jean. Breaking the Bounds of Ethnocentrism: An Eastern Interpretation of the Works of Kenneth Burke. Dissertation Abstracts International, Ann Arbor, MI (DAI). 1994 Oct, 55:4, 803A DAI No.: DA9422745. Degree granting institution: U of Georgia, 1994.
Wilson, Norman Bateham. "Four Paradigms of Utopian Fiction: The Exemplar of Atomism." DAI 41.05A (1980): 270.
Winchell, Mark Royden. Neoconservative Criticism: Norman Podhoretz, Kenneth S. Lynn, and Joseph Epstein. New York: Macmillan, 1991.
Winograd, Gaynelle Rothermel. "A Holonomic Interpretive Approach to Critique Organizational Cultures for Effectiveness, Change, and Communication Competency." DAI 46.12A (1985): 521.
Winterowd, W. Ross, and Jack Blum. A Teachers Introduction to Composition in the Rhetorical Tradition. NCTE Teacher's Introduction Series. Urbana: National Council of Teachers of English, 1994.
Winterowd, W. Ross. "Black Holes, Indeterminacy, and Paolo Freire." Rhetoric Review 2 (September 1983): 28-35.
Winterowd, W. Ross. "Dramatism in Themes and Poems." College Education 45 (October 1983): 581-88.
Winterowd, W. Ross. "Kenneth Burke." American Poets, 1880-1945, First Series, Dictionary of Literary Biography 45. Ed. Peter Quartermain. Detroit: Gale, 1986.
Winterowd, W. Ross. "Kenneth Burke: An Annotated Glossary of His Terministic Screen and a 'Statistical' Survey of His Major Concepts." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 15.3 4 (Summer Fall 1985): 145-77.
Winterowd, W. Ross. Rhetoric and Writing. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. passim.
Winters, Yvor. In Defense of Reason. Athens, OH: Swallow Press, 1987.
Winters, Yvor. Selected Letters of Yvor Winters. Ed. R. L. Barth. Athens, OH: Swallow Press, 2000.
Winters. Yvor. "Primitivism and Decadence: A Study of American Experimental Poetry," first published in 1937; reprinted in In Defense of Reason. Denver: Alan Swallow, 1947, 30-89 passim.
Wirth, Louis. Review of Permanence and Change. The American Journal of Sociology 43 (1937-38): 483-486.
Wise, Gene. American Historical Explanations. 2d rev. ed. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1980.
Witherspoon, Boykin. “A Review of Kenneth Burke’s On Human Nature.” KB Journal 6.1 (Fall 2009).
Withycombe, Robert Martin. "Burke's Representative Anecdote And ?Toulmin's Argument Fields: Analysis of Arguments in Anti-Abortion/Pro-Choice Films." DAI 50.11A (1989): 220.
Whyte, Sarah J. The Rhetorical Life of Surgical Checklists: A Burkean Analysis with Implications for Knowledge Translation, University of Waterloo, 2018, PhD Dissertation.
Whyte, Sarah, et al. "Uptake of a Team Briefing in the Operating Theatre: A Burkean Dramatistic Analysis." Social Science & Medicine, vol. 69, no. 12, 2009, pp. 1757-1766.
Wolff, Tristram. "That's Close enough: The Unfinished History of Emotivism in Close Reading." PMLA. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, vol. 134, no. 1, 2019, pp. 51.
Wolff, William Charles Jr. "A Historical and Critical Examination of Four American Theories of Discourse and Rhetoric: 1966--1976." DAI 44.07A (1983): 319.
Wolfe, Cary. "Nature as Critical Concept: Kenneth Burke, the Frankfurt School, and 'Metabiology.'" Cultural Critique 18 (Spring 1991): 65-96.
Wolin, Ross. The Rhetorical Imagination of Kenneth Burke. Columbia: U of South Carolina P, 2001."
Wood, Naaman K. "On the Borderlines of Jazz, Rhetoric and Communication: Musical Dramatism in Dizzy Gillespie's 1967 "Swing Low, Sweet Cadillac"." DAI 66.01A (2005): 205.
Woods, Carly S. “"Everything Is Medicine": Burke’s Master Metaphor?” KB Journal 5.2 (Spring 2009).
Woods, Steven Gene. "The Rhetoric of the Endangered Species Act (Public Policy, Environment)." DAI 60.08A (1999): 268.
Woodward, Gary C. The Idea of Identification. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2003.
Worsham, Lynn. "Kenneth Burke's Appendicitis: A Feminist's Case for Complaint." Pre/Text: A Journal of Rhetorical Theory 12.1-2 (Spring-Summer 1991): 67-95.
Worthen, W.B. Drama: Between Poetry and Performance. United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
Wright, Mark H. "Burkeian and Freudian Theories of Identification." Communication Quarterly 42 (Summer 1994): 301-10.
Wright, Mark Hamilton. "The Role of Identification in Rhetorical Explanation (Burke)." DAI 50.08A (1989): 269.
Wright, Nicol Brock. ""Baby" Pictures: An Analysis of Narrative, Fetal Images and the Crafting of a Moral Tale (Abortion)." DAI 59.05A (1998): 329.
Wright, Thomas S. "Identification and Communicative Praxis: Kenneth Burke, Calvin Schrag, and the Rhetoric of Everyday Life." DAI 66.03A (2004): 265. Yablick, Gary Steven. "A Genetic-Dramatistic Study of Narrative Rhetoric." DAI 50.06B (1989): 160.
Yager, Mark Clare. "A Pentadic Analysis of the Gospel According to Mark." MAI 30.01 (1991): 74.
Yagoda, Ben. "Kenneth Burke: The Greatest Literary Critic Since Coleridge?" Horizon 23 (June 1980): 66-69.
York, John Oran. "The Rhetorical Function of Bi-Polar Reversal in Luke." DAI 50.07A (1989): 241.
Yoshioka, Kumiko." "The Body in the Thought of Kenneth Burke: A Reading of The Philosophy of Literary Form. Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities 5.3 (December 2000): 31-38.
Young, Stephen Dine. "Movies as Equipment for Living: Symbolic Action in the Viewing of Film (Popular Culture, Media Studies)." DAI 58.03B (1997): 212.
Young, T. R. The Drama of Social Life: Essays in Post Modern Social Psychology. Rutgers, NJ: Transaction Books, 1991.
Zacharias, Greg William. "Power Relations in Henry James's Novels: A Study of Language, Characterization and Morality." DAI 49.09A (1988): 408.
Zacharias, Greg W. "Young Milton's Equipment for Living: L'Allegro and Il Penseroso." Milton Studies 24 (1988): 3-15.
Zagacki, Kenneth S., and Victoria J. Gallagher. "Rhetoric and Materiality in the Museum Park at the North Carolina Museum of Art." Readings in Rhetorical Fieldwork. Routledge, 2019.
Zamparutti, Louise. "Plato, Mary Baker Eddy, and Kenneth Burke:Can we Talk about Substance?" Rhetoric Review, vol. 37, no. 2, 2018, pp. 199-211.
Zappen, James P, S. Michael Halloran, and Scott A. Wible. “Some Notes on ‘Ad bellum prificandum.’” KB Journal 3.2 (Spring 2007).
Zeigarnik, Galina Y. "Terms of Acquittal: Dramatistic Analysis of O. J. Simpson's Trial." DAI 62.02B (2001): 159.
Zeytinoglu, Cem. “Ad Verbum Purgandum or Literally Purgation.” KB Journal 5.2 (Spring 2009).
Zollschan, George K., and Michael A. Overington. "Reasons for Conduct and the Conduct of Reason: The Eightfold Route to Motivational Ascription." Social Change: Explorations, Diagnoses, and Conjectures. Ed. George Zollschan and Walter Hirsh. New York: John Wiley, 1976. 270-317.
Zulick, Margaret D. "The Agon of Jeremiah: On the Dialogic Invention of Prophetic Ethos." Quarterly Journal of Speech, vol. 78, no. 2, 1992, pp. 125-148.
Zulick, Margaret D. "The Ethos of Invention: The Dialogue of Ethics and Aesthetics in Kenneth Burke and Mikhail Bakhtin." The Ethos of Rhetoric, edited by Michael J. Hyde, U of South Carolina P, 2004.