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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Book PageReview: Ralph Ellison and Kenneth Burke by Bryan Crable David Blakesley010 years 2 days ago
Book PageReview: Moving Bodies by Debra Hawhee David Blakesley010 years 2 days ago
Book PageReview: Pragmatist Politics by John McGowan David Blakesley010 years 2 days ago
Book PageReview: Rhetorical Listening by Krista Ratcliffe David Blakesley010 years 2 days ago
Book PageRedemptive Resistance through Hybrid Victimage David Blakesley010 years 2 days ago
Book PageScherzando David Blakesley010 years 2 days ago
Book PageVideo Parlor: Action and Motion Featuring Debra Hawhee and Bryan Crable David Blakesley010 years 2 days ago
Book PageA Note from the Editors David Blakesley010 years 2 days ago
StoryKBS 2014: Keynote Announcement Nathaniel Rivers010 years 2 days ago
Book PageVolume 10, Issue 1 Summer 2014 David Blakesley010 years 4 days ago
Book PageThe Road to Victory David Blakesley010 years 4 days ago
Book PageSome Uses of Burke in Communication Studies Clarke Rountree210 years 4 days ago
Book PageKBS 2014: Conference Paper Awards Nathaniel Rivers010 years 1 week ago
Book PageMinutes of the KBS Business and Executive Meetings at the KBS 2011 David Blakesley010 years 2 weeks ago
Book PageKenneth Burke in/and/around Composition: A Look at the Journals John Jay Jacobs010 years 2 months ago
Book PageThe Dialectic of John Locke’s Constitution Then and Now; or, The Turn from Enlightenment to Post-Enlightenment Culture John Jay Jacobs010 years 2 months ago
Book PageSynthetic Tensions: Kenneth Burke’s Pentad Meets Mary Douglas’s Grid/Group Cosmology John Jay Jacobs010 years 2 months ago
Book PagePentadic Cartography: Mapping Obstetric Medicine and Traditional Midwifery * John Jay Jacobs010 years 2 months ago
Book PageTending to the Imagination: Perspective and Incongruity in William Carlos Williams and Kenneth Burke John Jay Jacobs010 years 2 months ago
Book PageLove, Knowledge and Authority as Recombinant God-Terms John Jay Jacobs010 years 2 months ago
Book PageNailed to the Pentad: A Dramatistic Look at the Death of Kurt Cobain John Jay Jacobs010 years 2 months ago
Book PageToward Understanding the Pathology of B(urkeian) O(ccupational) P(sychosis) (also known as Goad Roper’s Disease) John Jay Jacobs010 years 2 months ago
Book PageKenneth Burke and the Construction of Political Identities John Jay Jacobs010 years 2 months ago
Book PageSociality in the Rhetorics of Kenneth Burke and Chaim Perelman: Toward a Convergence of Their Theories John Jay Jacobs010 years 2 months ago
Book PageMusings on the Emptiness and Dreariness of Postmodern Critique John Jay Jacobs010 years 2 months ago
