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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Book PageVolume 3, Issue 1, Fall 2006 David Blakesley012 years 4 weeks ago
Book PageSymbolic Suicide as Mortification, Transformation, and Counterstatement Clarke Rountree212 years 4 weeks ago
Book PageThe Drama of a Technological Society David Blakesley112 years 4 weeks ago
Book PageVolume 1, Issue 2, Spring 2005 David Blakesley012 years 4 weeks ago
Book Page“WE WRITE FOR THE WORKERS”: Authorship and Communism in Kenneth Burke and Richard Wright David Blakesley012 years 4 weeks ago
Book PageA Rhetorical Journey into Darkness: Crime-Scene Profiling as Burkean Analysis David Blakesley112 years 4 weeks ago
Book PageCanonical Doubt, Critical Certainty: Counter-Conventions in Augustine and Kenneth Burke David Blakesley012 years 4 weeks ago
Book PageThe Rhetoric of Bush’s War on Evil David Blakesley112 years 4 weeks ago
Book PageEditors' Essay: Toward the Next Phase David Blakesley012 years 4 weeks ago
Book PageFlash Flooding: A Burkean Analysis of Culture and Community in the Flash Mob David Blakesley012 years 1 month ago
Book Page“Crimes of Juxtaposition”: Incongruous Frames in Sullivan’s Travels Nathaniel Rivers012 years 1 month ago
Book PageKenneth Burke and Contemporary Philosophy of Science Ryan Weber012 years 1 month ago
Book PageDivination and Mysticism as Rhetoric in the Choral Space David Blakesley012 years 1 month ago
Book PageVolume 8, Issue 1, Spring 2012 Special Issue David Blakesley012 years 1 month ago
Book PageA Note on the Writing of A Rhetoric of Motives David Blakesley012 years 1 month ago
Book PageBurke's New Boiks: Get 'em While They're Hot and Before They're Not . . . David Blakesley012 years 1 month ago
Book Page“Always Keep Watching for Terms”: Visits with Kenneth Burke, 1989-1990 Ryan Weber012 years 1 month ago
StoryTravel Grants to Penn State Archive ageorge012 years 1 month ago
Book PageBurke’s Comic Frame and The Problem of Warrantable Outrage Ryan Weber012 years 1 month ago
Book PageKB Editorial for Fall 2009 - Interview with William Bailey Ryan Weber012 years 1 month ago
Book PageEditor's Introduction Nathaniel Rivers012 years 1 month ago
Book PageVolume 5, Issue 1, Fall 2008 ryan.mcgeough012 years 1 month ago
Book Page“Civility as Rhetorical Enactment: The John Ashcroft ‘Debates’ and Burke’s Theory of Form,” by Christopher R. Darr danaande012 years 1 month ago
Book PageRevisiting the Controversy over Dramatism as Literal Nathaniel Rivers012 years 1 month ago
Book PageSavior, Fool or Demagogue: Burkean Frames Surrounding the Ten Commandments Judge Nathaniel Rivers012 years 1 month ago
