Research and Book Reviews

KB Journal aims to help apprise readers of current developments in Burke studies by reviewing recent books and articles relevant to Burkean thought. Books and articles merit review in KB Journal either in their use of Burke as their explicit object of study or in their noteworthy application of Burke's work in exploring broader ideas. In keeping with KB Journal's goal of cultivating a more diverse and inclusive community of Burke scholars, materials for review are welcomed from any area of study.

Interested contributors are invited to submit reviews of such materials in any of three different forms.

Book Reviews of 2000-3000 words detail a recent book's relevance to scholarship on Kenneth Burke. To suggest a book for review, or to suggest yourself as the reviewer of a specific book, please contact the Editor.

Article Reviews of 500-1000 words summarize and/or critique a recent article's contribution to Burke studies. To suggest an article or articles for review, or to suggest yourself as a reviewer, please contact the Editor.

Review Essays of 3500-5000 words seek to provide a critical guide to a specific topic or direction within Burke studies—for example, Burke and Gender Studies, Burke and Organizational Communication, and so on. Review essays may draw on books, articles, conference presentations, or any other scholarly resources that help the essay to develop its topic. To author a review essay, please contact the Review Editor and briefly explain the proposed topic to be covered. Essays will be reviewed by the Editor and at least one Editorial Board Member.

Reviewers in each of these forms should feel free to not merely describe the treatment or application of Burke in their reviewed texts but to engage and critique it as well, to guide readers toward questions or areas for fruitfully extending Burkean inquiry.

Please contact the Editor with any questions about guidelines or materials for review.

Click on this Submit button to visit the KB submission interface at Submittable: