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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Book PageObituary for Edward C. Appel David Blakesley04 years 5 months ago
Book Page“Sinkership” and “Eye-Crossing”: Apprehensive in the American Landscape Clarke Rountree24 years 8 months ago
Book PageMemories of Kenneth Burke David Blakesley04 years 9 months ago
Book PageConflict and Communities: The Dialectic at the Heart of the Burkean Habit of Mind David Blakesley04 years 9 months ago
Book PageIntroducing Kenneth Burke’s The War of Words David Blakesley04 years 9 months ago
Book PageA Conversation with the Burke Family David Blakesley04 years 9 months ago
Book PageThe Art of Living in the Age of War David Blakesley04 years 9 months ago
Book PageReview: "Rhetoric and Ethics in the Cybernetic Age: The Transhuman Condition" by Jeff Pruchnic. Reviewed by Lauren Terbrock-Elmestad David Blakesley04 years 9 months ago
Book PageFreeing the Lockerbie Bomber: Cultural Constraints on the Construction of Motives David Blakesley04 years 9 months ago
Book PageOthello: An Alternative Dramatistic Analysis David Blakesley04 years 9 months ago
Book PageAnalyzing Warrants and Worldviews in the Rhetoric of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton: Burke and Argumentation in the 2016 Presidential Election David Blakesley04 years 9 months ago
Book PageEmbodied Rhetorics: Writing Rides from the Seat of a Bike David Blakesley04 years 9 months ago
Book PageVolume 14, Issue 1 Summer 2019 David Blakesley04 years 9 months ago
Book PageThe Excursion David Blakesley04 years 10 months ago
Book PageParabolic Tale, with Invocation David Blakesley04 years 10 months ago
Book PageReview: The Chameleon President by Clarke Rountree David Blakesley05 years 8 months ago
Book PageBook Review: Judging the Supreme Court: Constructions of Motives in Bush v. Gore Ryan Weber05 years 8 months ago
Book PageVolume 13, Issue 2 Summer 2018 David Blakesley05 years 11 months ago
Book PageReview: Joel Overall's "Kenneth Burke and the Problem of Sonic Identification" by Martha Sue Karnes David Blakesley05 years 11 months ago
Book PageReview: "Rhetoric, Narrative, and Management: Learning from Mad Men" by Ronald Soetaert and Kris Rutten. Reviewed by Martha Sue Karnes David Blakesley05 years 11 months ago
Book PageReview: Rhetorical Criticism, ed. by Jim Kuypers. Reviewed by Eryn Johnson David Blakesley05 years 11 months ago
Book PageReview: The Role of the Rhetorician in Sacrifice Zones David Blakesley05 years 11 months ago
Book PageReview: Kenneth Burke + the Posthuman, ed. by Mays, Rivers, and Sharp-Hosking. Reviewed by David Measel David Blakesley05 years 11 months ago
Book PageReview: Tibet on Fire: Buddhism, Protest, and the Rhetoric of Self-Immolation by John Whalen-Bridge. Reviewed by Ashley S. Karlin David Blakesley05 years 11 months ago
Book PageReview: Out of Mind by Michael Burke. Reviewed by Karyn Campbell David Blakesley05 years 11 months ago
