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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Book PageObituary for Edward C. Appel David Blakesley04 years 5 months ago
Book Page“Sinkership” and “Eye-Crossing”: Apprehensive in the American Landscape Clarke Rountree24 years 8 months ago
Book PageMemories of Kenneth Burke David Blakesley04 years 10 months ago
Book PageConflict and Communities: The Dialectic at the Heart of the Burkean Habit of Mind David Blakesley04 years 10 months ago
Book PageIntroducing Kenneth Burke’s The War of Words David Blakesley04 years 10 months ago
Book PageA Conversation with the Burke Family David Blakesley04 years 10 months ago
Book PageThe Art of Living in the Age of War David Blakesley04 years 10 months ago
Book PageReview: "Rhetoric and Ethics in the Cybernetic Age: The Transhuman Condition" by Jeff Pruchnic. Reviewed by Lauren Terbrock-Elmestad David Blakesley04 years 10 months ago
Book PageFreeing the Lockerbie Bomber: Cultural Constraints on the Construction of Motives David Blakesley04 years 10 months ago
Book PageOthello: An Alternative Dramatistic Analysis David Blakesley04 years 10 months ago
Book PageAnalyzing Warrants and Worldviews in the Rhetoric of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton: Burke and Argumentation in the 2016 Presidential Election David Blakesley04 years 10 months ago
Book PageEmbodied Rhetorics: Writing Rides from the Seat of a Bike David Blakesley04 years 10 months ago
Book PageVolume 14, Issue 1 Summer 2019 David Blakesley04 years 10 months ago
Book PageThe Excursion David Blakesley04 years 10 months ago
Book PageParabolic Tale, with Invocation David Blakesley04 years 10 months ago
Book PageReview: The Chameleon President by Clarke Rountree David Blakesley05 years 9 months ago
Book PageBook Review: Judging the Supreme Court: Constructions of Motives in Bush v. Gore Ryan Weber05 years 9 months ago
Book PageVolume 13, Issue 2 Summer 2018 David Blakesley05 years 11 months ago
Book PageReview: Joel Overall's "Kenneth Burke and the Problem of Sonic Identification" by Martha Sue Karnes David Blakesley05 years 11 months ago
Book PageReview: "Rhetoric, Narrative, and Management: Learning from Mad Men" by Ronald Soetaert and Kris Rutten. Reviewed by Martha Sue Karnes David Blakesley05 years 11 months ago
Book PageReview: Rhetorical Criticism, ed. by Jim Kuypers. Reviewed by Eryn Johnson David Blakesley05 years 11 months ago
Book PageReview: The Role of the Rhetorician in Sacrifice Zones David Blakesley05 years 11 months ago
Book PageReview: Kenneth Burke + the Posthuman, ed. by Mays, Rivers, and Sharp-Hosking. Reviewed by David Measel David Blakesley05 years 11 months ago
Book PageReview: Tibet on Fire: Buddhism, Protest, and the Rhetoric of Self-Immolation by John Whalen-Bridge. Reviewed by Ashley S. Karlin David Blakesley05 years 11 months ago
Book PageReview: Out of Mind by Michael Burke. Reviewed by Karyn Campbell David Blakesley05 years 11 months ago
