Ryan Weber

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Book PageA German Version of Kenneth Burke Ryan Weber04 years 4 weeks ago
Book PageBook Review: Judging the Supreme Court: Constructions of Motives in Bush v. Gore Ryan Weber05 years 8 months ago
Book PageAd Verbum Purgandum or Literally Purgation Ryan Weber010 years 9 months ago
Book PageBurke Distinguished Scholar Series: An Interview With David Cratis Williams Ryan Weber010 years 9 months ago
Book PageThe Burke I Knew Ryan Weber011 years 4 months ago
Book PageKenneth Burke and Contemporary Philosophy of Science Ryan Weber012 years 1 month ago
Book Page“Always Keep Watching for Terms”: Visits with Kenneth Burke, 1989-1990 Ryan Weber012 years 1 month ago
Book PageBurke’s Comic Frame and The Problem of Warrantable Outrage Ryan Weber012 years 1 month ago
Book PageKB Editorial for Fall 2009 - Interview with William Bailey Ryan Weber012 years 1 month ago
Book PageAll That Is Solid Melts into Words: An Exercise in Burking Burke Ryan Weber012 years 1 month ago
Book PageEditorial: Burke on the Persistence of Myth and Ritual Ryan Weber012 years 1 month ago
Book PagePragmatisms by Incongruity: ‘Equipment for Living’ from Kenneth Burke to Gilles Deleuze Ryan Weber013 years 2 months ago
Book PageCeci N’est Pas Une Guerre: The Misuse of War as Metaphor in Iraq Ryan Weber013 years 2 months ago
Book PagePositive Identification through Being the ‘Occasional Asshole’: A Burkeian Analysis of “Dear John,” by Poet Tony Hoagland Ryan Weber013 years 2 months ago
Book PageFrom Form to Function: In Defense of an Internal Use of the Pentad Ryan Weber013 years 2 months ago
Proposal for 2011 ConferenceEquipment for Living: Behind the Scenes Ryan Weber013 years 5 months ago
Proposal for 2011 ConferenceKENNETH BURKE vs THE LEGION OF INDECENCY!!! Ryan Weber013 years 5 months ago
Book PageScapegoating the Big (Un)Easy: Melodramatic Individualism as Trained Incapacity in K-VILLE Ryan Weber013 years 6 months ago
Book PageReading Resistance to Kenneth Burke: “Burke the Usurper” and Other Themes Ryan Weber013 years 8 months ago
Book PageExistentialist Literature in the Burkean Parlor: Exploring the Contingencies and Tensions of Symbolic Action Ryan Weber013 years 8 months ago
Book PageBreakfast with Two Kenneths: Kenneth Burke and Kenneth Fearing Ryan Weber013 years 8 months ago
Book PageFall 2010 Editorial Ryan Weber013 years 8 months ago
Book PageHierarchical Approach to Corporate Advocacy: Corporate Advocacy as a Way of Guilt Redemption Ryan Weber014 years 7 months ago
Book PageEarly Disaster Cinema as Dysfunctional “Equipment for Living”: or How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Kenneth Burke Ryan Weber014 years 7 months ago
Book PageEditor's Introduction Ryan Weber014 years 7 months ago
