[KB] KB Journal

wessr at onid.orst.edu wessr at onid.orst.edu
Wed Apr 1 15:24:42 EDT 2015


As some of you no doubt know, MLA recently released a statement that  
is good news for KB Journal. Here is the summary overview:

The MLA has just released an updated statement on electronic  
publication. Revised by the Committee on Information Technology, the  
statement affirms that ?[e]lectronically published journal articles,  
monographs, and long-form scholarship are viable and credible modes of  
scholarly publication? and that publishing electronically offers  
advantages to the author and the user, including ease of access and  
the possibility of incorporating multimedia features, source data, or  
dynamic presentation tools. Departments should judge electronically  
published works by the same criteria as print publications in make  
hiring decisions and evaluating work for tenure and promotion.


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