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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Proposal for 2011 ConferenceTest Submission from DB Account David Blakesley013 years 7 months ago
Book PageVolume 6, Issue 2, Spring 2010 Nathaniel Rivers013 years 8 months ago
Book PageCynics, Hypocrites, and Nasty Boys: Senator Larry Craig and Gay Rights Caught in the Grotesque Frame Nathaniel Rivers013 years 8 months ago
Book PageStanding Up for Comedy: Kenneth Burke and The Office Nathaniel Rivers013 years 8 months ago
Book PageReading Resistance to Kenneth Burke: “Burke the Usurper” and Other Themes Ryan Weber013 years 8 months ago
Book PageExistentialist Literature in the Burkean Parlor: Exploring the Contingencies and Tensions of Symbolic Action Ryan Weber013 years 8 months ago
Book PageBreakfast with Two Kenneths: Kenneth Burke and Kenneth Fearing Ryan Weber013 years 8 months ago
Book PageFall 2010 Editorial Ryan Weber013 years 8 months ago
Book PageDialogues: NEW Michael Burke exhibit July 7-30 Debra Hawhee014 years 1 week ago
Book PageVolume 6, Issue 1, Fall 2009 Nathaniel Rivers014 years 2 months ago
Book PageAnd Now . . . Essays Toward a Symbolic of Motives, 1950 to 1955 David Blakesley114 years 7 months ago
Book PageA Burkean Reading of the Antigone: Comical and Choral Transcendence Nathaniel Rivers014 years 7 months ago
Book PageHierarchical Approach to Corporate Advocacy: Corporate Advocacy as a Way of Guilt Redemption Ryan Weber014 years 7 months ago
Book PageEarly Disaster Cinema as Dysfunctional “Equipment for Living”: or How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Kenneth Burke Ryan Weber014 years 7 months ago
Book PageEditor's Introduction Ryan Weber014 years 7 months ago
Book PageRomancing Mortification: A Response to Lewis Ryan Weber014 years 7 months ago
Book PageBook Review: Kenneth Burke on Shakespeare Nathaniel Rivers014 years 7 months ago
Book Page“The Human Barnyard” and Kenneth Burke’s Philosophy of Technology Nathaniel Rivers014 years 7 months ago
Book PageThe Shape of Thrills to Come Nathaniel Rivers014 years 7 months ago
Book PageBook Review: Burke, War, Words Nathaniel Rivers014 years 7 months ago
Book Page"Everything is Medicine": Burke’s Master Metaphor? Nathaniel Rivers014 years 7 months ago
Book PageAttitudes Toward Money in Kenneth Burke’s Dialog in Heaven Between The Lord and Satan Ryan Weber014 years 7 months ago
Book PageThe Means of Representation: Kenneth Burke and American Marxism Ryan Weber014 years 7 months ago
Book PageVolume 5, Issue 2, Spring 2009 Ryan Weber014 years 7 months ago
Blog entry"Kanyadan" by Vijay Tendulkar - A Drama Highlights the Class-Divide Anonymous (not verified)014 years 7 months ago
