[KB] Sad News: Dave Tietge

David Blakesley dblakes at clemson.edu
Fri Dec 1 10:37:14 EST 2017

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

I'm sorry to have to report the news that Dave Tietge passed away
unexpectedly on Monday after a short illness. Dave started as my student at
SIU Carbondale in the 1990s and became a friend and colleague for the rest
of the way.

Dave presented at the Burke Conference this past summer. I was fortunate
enough to spend my last day with him on a road trip to KB's farm in Andover
and then onward to NYC. We couldn't have scripted that any better.

Those of you who knew him know that Dave was an original. He was passionate
about KB and rhetoric. He was a brilliant writer, completing two books,
both of which focused on the rhetoric of science in popular media,
including film. His first book, *Flash Effect: Science and the Rhetorical
Origins of the Cold War *(2002, Ohio University Press) extended arguments
from his award-winning dissertation. His second, *Rational Rhetoric: The
Role of Science in Popular Discourse *(Parlor Press, 2008)*, *received the
JAC Award for best book in rhetorical theory. He had nearly completed his
latest book, *Knowing Nature: Popular Representations of the Natural World
through Visual Media*, for Marguerite Helmers's Visual Rhetoric series,
also with Parlor Press. We're going to do our best to publish this book
posthumously. Dave served on *KB Journal's* editorial board since its

You can read his obituary here:

So, the discussion goes on. We'll miss you, Dave.


Dave is on the right, next to Steve Mailloux, Jim Zappen, and Clarke
Rountree, at KB's farm this past summer.

[image: Inline image 1]
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