[KB] Missing Mathematical "Recalcitrance"

Edward C Appel edwardcappel at frontier.com
Wed Nov 19 15:03:08 EST 2014


We've all been hearing---EVERYWHERE, on Fox, CNN, MSNBC, the broadcast news programs, mewspapers, etc.--about the 'shellacking' the Democrats suffered in the Congressional elections earlier this month.  Some "recalcitrant" numbers are in order:

In Michigan, 2014, Democrats won 50.9 percent of the House votes.  Republicans "won" 64.3 percent of the House seats, 9 to 5.

In Michigan, 2012, Democrats won 52.7 percent of the House votes.  Republiocans "won" 64.3 percent of the House seats, 9 to 5.

In Pennsylvania, 2014, Republicans won 55.7 percent of the House votes.  Republicans "won" 72 percent of the House seats, 13 to 5.

In Pennsylvania, 2012, Democrats won 50.8 percent of the House votes.  Republicans "won" 72 percent of the House seats, 13 to 5.

In Ohio, 2014, Republicans won 60.3 percent of the House votes.  Republicans "won" 75 percent of the House seats, 12 TO 4.

In Ohio, 2012, Republicans won 52.4 percent of the House votes.  Republicans "won" 75 percent of the House seats, 12 TO 4.

The total number of votes for the House of Representatives is not in yet for 2014, I do not believe.  But in 2012, although Republicans overwhelmingly "won" the House in terms of seats occupied, Democrats won the actual total vote nationwide by about 1.4 million.

The U.S. House of Represntatives is grossly gerrymandered for Republican "victories" no matter what the vote.  The Senate of the United States is grossly gerrymandered in favor of conservatives by the Constitution.  Most of the small states are red.  Voters in Wyoming, for instance, have 66 times the power of voters in California, when picking a Senator.

See TalkingPointsMemo.com, November 7. 2014, for the raw numbers.

The unfairness of it all is an outrage.  Even more outrageous is the failure of the U.S. media to report the mathematical facts of the past election to the USAmerican people.



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